Chapter 26: Sky Full of Stars

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Interestingly enough, prom was the week right before graduation, as well as the week of our final exams. The night after exams ended, as a matter of fact. I wasn't sure why they decided to cram everything into the last two weeks, but I let it go. I was looking forward to going to prom with Kieran, and for exams to be over.

During last year's prom, Toralei and I went as friends...or, well, as close to friends as we'd ever get, anyway.

Frankie, who was on the prom committee along with Draculaura, Cleo and Clawdeen, assured me that they would get a DJ from outside Monster High this time around so that both Holt and I could spend time with Kieran there. I greatly appreciated that and I told her so, before quickly recording a video for Holt to let him know. Holt agreed to it as long as he could email the DJ a list of song recommendations. Since Chad was finally able to get him to listen to more Normie music, a bunch of it was included on that list.

But stress took precedence over my enthusiasm for a while because of exams, which was normal for me. Holt, on the other hand, wasn't the least bit concerned about his since he always passed anything art- or music-related no matter how little he studied.

During the bit of time leading up to the exams, I spent a lot of time studying, usually accompanied by Kieran and Ghoulia. Clawdeen, who had made amends with both of us a while back, occasionally joined us as well.

One downside to me getting as stressed out as I did during exam time was that I had a tendency to snap at people without meaning to, but only on occasion. This happened with Kieran a couple of times, and it definitely bothered him at first until I explained myself. Then he got it completely, which I was thankful for. The last thing I wanted was to start an unnecessary argument with him.

Exams lasted about three days at Monster High due to the number of classes, and Holt had his music exam at night, so once they were finally over I think everyone was incredibly relieved.

Now that they were done, everyone's attention was fixated on prom. A lot of people aside from Kieran and I were paired up by this point, and not just the ones you'd expect to be going together, such as Cleo and deuce. Some of the other people that were going together included Frankie and Neighthan, Howleen and Twyla—who, Clawdeen told us, were now in a relationship—and Clawdeen herself would be going with Thad, the vampire she'd met two years ago at Halloween.

On another positive note, most people at Monster High had finally stopped judging my relationship with Kieran and were now fully supportive of us. And yes, even Manny and I finally started getting along better. He didn't pick on me anymore, and we were able to hold civil conversations just fine. As a result, I didn't dread running into him in the halls between classes.

According to a video message I got from Holt, the DJ apparently approved of the list of songs he provided and would be playing them throughout prom. He'd also be taking song requests while there, which was nice. Additionally, prom would be taking place somewhere outside of, but still close to Monster High. Everyone was still going to meet up at the school, though, and would all be going together in what was referred to as a 'party bus' to the actual venue.

"When Kieran gets here, I want a picture of the two of you together," insisted my mother on the night of prom. He'd agreed to pick me up at 6:30 so that we could drive up to the school together. I'd just finished getting ready to leave, a task that had only taken about 15 to 20 minutes, tops.

"I kind of figured you would," I said, heading into the living room to wait. Both of my parents followed me. It didn't take long at all for Kieran to get here, and my mom rushed to answer the door when he did. Dad stood beside me, my little sister in his arms.

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