Chapter 9: Hidden Truth

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I watched as Clawdeen led Jackson outside, and I glanced around to see where the rest of her friends had gone. They were sitting at a table not too far from where I was, talking quietly amongst themselves.

For a moment, I wondered why Clawdeen would want to talk to Jackson in the first place, but the answer was crystal clear. She wanted to know why he was associating with me. Really, she had no right interrogating him about it at all, seeing as it was his choice.

"Valentine." A voice broke through my thoughts. Bram Devein stood next to me, a serious expression on his face. His girlfriend Gory Fangtell was with him. I knew them in passing since we all went to Monster High, and all of our families knew each other, but that was about it. We weren't overly close or anything.

"Bram, Gory," I greeted them, "Did you need something?"

"Yes," said Bram, "and it's important. It concerns your father."

"Don't call him that. He's no father to me."

"Alright, well, whatever you want to call him," Gory continued for Bram, "I assume he contacted you?"

"He did, yes," I said, "Why is that important, may I ask?"

"Because he contacted us, too," said Bram, "He knows that you know us, and it seems like he's doing everything in his power to try and find you. Just so I know, do you remember anything about him?"

"I haven't seen him since I was six," I stated, "Despite that, I do remember what he looked like, and I know what he's done. I know who he is."

"Good. Then you'll know just how dangerous he is, especially when he's in danger of not getting what he's after. In this case, that's you."

"Well, he's not getting anywhere near me."

"Lucky for you, he doesn't seem to know you and your mother live in New Salem now. He thinks you're both still in Transylvania. But I'd still be careful if I were you. I trust you understand."

"I do. Thank you," I told him, "I know perfectly well that if he's looking for me, it isn't to make amends."

Bram nodded. "I'm glad we're all on the same page." They got up to leave, and Gory called, "We'll see you around, Valentine."

Jackson returned not long after they left, looking irritated. "Hey. Sorry about that."

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Are you?" he countered.

I was confused. "What do you mean?"

"You look kind of angry," Jackson pointed out, "Did something happen?"

"No, nothing, just..." I trailed off, not sure how to continue. I didn't want to drag him into whatever might happen between my father and I if he found me. But I would at least give Jackson a truthful answer, even if it was only a short one. "The whole situation with my father just got a little bit more stressful, that's all."

"How so?" asked Jackson.

"I'd really rather not get into it," I admitted, "And anyway, it seems like there's something bothering you, as well. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine; that conversation with Clawdeen just sort of pissed me off, if--if you'll excuse my language," said Jackson, "You can probably guess what it was about. She's not too thrilled that I'm hanging out with you, but like I said to her...or at least tried to, it's not really her choice."

"Don't worry about her," I assured him, "She'll come around eventually, once she realizes I'm not a threat anymore."

I'm hoping the real one stays the hell out of New Salem. For everyone's sake.

After that, our conversation returned to its former light-heartedness. I learned more about him, and he told me a bit about his family. His father was a fire elemental and was the brother of Heath's father, which made them cousins. His mother was named Sydney, and was the parent he'd inherited his Hyde side from. Dr. Henry Jekyll had been his great-grandfather on her side.

He also told me the story of how he and Holt found out about each other, and the significant progress they'd made when it came to communication since then.

After that the conversation switched to childhood memories, which we both had lots of. I also told him the story of how I met those three clouds, and how I met Whisp. He remembered her from when Howleen Wolf had been her sister's Finder.

"It's good to know she's on the right path now," said Jackson, "I'd like to meet her some time. Officially, I mean."

"I think she'd like that, too," I said, "Gigi seems nice, too. I don't talk to her much, but she's in my music class, so I have met her, at least."

Jackson seemed to remember something just then. "Quick question. I know it's completely unrelated, but your birthday's in a week, right?"

"Yeah, it is," I confirmed, "I don't really want to do anything big for it this year, though. Normally there'd be a formal celebration of some sort due to, well, the social standing of my mother and me in vampire society, but this year I plan to just hang out with her and some of her friends instead. It should be fun. You should hear some of the stuff they talk about, it's rather hilarious sometimes. You can join us, if you'd like."

Jackson nodded. "I'd like that, thanks. And yeah, I thought I had it right. I saw it on your Facebook profile; I just figured I'd make sure. And yeah, I don't usually do much for mine either so I can understand that. Holt usually has something planned for later in the evening, but that's normal. That's his thing."

"Yeah, I figured as much, given his personality and everything," I said. I didn't mean that in an insulting way; I was only referring to his love of parties and loud music and such. Jackson seemed to understand what I meant, and I was glad to know I hadn't crossed a line in saying that. "When is it?"

"May 30th," he responded.

"Good to know," I smiled. I would have to keep that in mind.

Eventually we left the Coffin Bean and just walked around for a while, until we both had to return home. We parted ways with the promise to hang out a lot more often, and I smiled in remembrance of this as I made my way home.

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