Chapter 25: With Arms Wide Open

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"Attention, students. Could the following people please report to my office: Bram Devein, Jackson Jekyll, Kieran Valentine, Heath Burns, Draculaura, Gory Fangtell, Manny Taur, Hoodude Voodoo, Deuce Gorgon, Cleo de Nile, Spectra Vondergeist and Ghoulia Yelps. Thank you."

That was one of the first things Jackson and I heard during our first period class the following Monday. Personally, I wondered what could possibly lead to so many students being summoned to Bloodgood's office at once, but Jackson and I proceeded to make our way down there anyway.

"What do you think this is about?" he asked as we walked.

I shrugged. "Who knows?"

"Hey, bright side: We get out of class," pointed out Deuce.

"I don't consider that a bright side, myself," replied Jackson.

"Which surprises literally no one," muttered Manny from behind us. His comment was ignored, however, as we arrived at the door to Headmistress Bloodgood's office. Jackson knocked somewhat hesitantly, and a friendly "Come in" was heard from the other side.

I think we were all expecting some sort of bad news first walking in, but it was just the opposite. Bloodgood sat at her desk, some forms in front of her and a smile on her face. "Hello, everyone," she said, "You're probably wondering why I had you all paged here. I have some very exciting news for all of you."

"We're not in trouble?" Heath questioned.

"No, you are not, Mr. Burns. As I was saying, I'm sure some of you are aware of a certain wedding happening over the summer."

"Of course!" replied Draculaura, while others shook their heads. "O-M-Ghoul! You guys didn't hear? Elissabat is getting married!"

"Indeed, and although some of you may be graduating, I've arranged for all of you to be able to attend."

"Will it give us extra credit?" asked Hoodude.

"For those of you not graduating, yes," answered Bloodgood. "Oh, and most of the expenses are covered already. I just need parent signatures and about $250 from each of you."

$250 wasn't bad since the price would have been a lot higher if it weren't being covered. In my opinion, this was a pretty good deal. Most students seemed to agree, and everyone was very excited about the trip itself. No one could stop talking about it as we all made our way back to class. Draculaura in particular was beyond thrilled. She, like Jackson and I, had been planning on attending either way, but aside from the obvious price drop, she was delighted that everyone else would be going, too.

Once we got back to our class, I quickly sent my mother a text letting her know what Bloodgood had just told us, and Jackson did the same.

Jackson and I had been planning on hanging out at his house after school, so that was where we went. When we got in the door, we were greeted by Aidan, who was bursting with news.

"Hey, Dad," greeted Jackson.

"Hey. Listen, your mom's at the hospital," Aidan began, "The baby's coming. She texted me to let you know so we can meet her there together."

"How long ago did she text you?" asked Jackson.

"About an hour ago," replied Aidan, "And Kieran, you can come with us, too, if you want."

Immediately, the three of us drove down to the hospital, and after several hours of waiting, Sydney's doctor came out to speak to us, Aidan in particular. "Mr. Burns, the baby is a healthy 6-pound girl, and her mother is doing just fine. Would you like to see her?"

"Yes, please," Aidan responded, getting to his feet at once. She then led the three of us to the room Sydney and the baby were in, and we found that it was actually Lizzy who was out at the moment. She was holding her daughter in her arms and the joy on her face was unmistakable.

"Hey, Liz," Aidan said as he approached her, "Sorry I couldn't be in the room with you—for whatever reason they wouldn't let me."

"All good," she replied, "I'll just kick your ass later," she added jokingly.

"The heck you will," Aidan teased back, "Besides, I'd have anywhere from three to four witnesses."

Lizzy raised her eyebrows.

"Jackson, Kieran, Sydney and the baby," explained Aidan. Sydney and Lizzy, unlike Jackson and Holt, actually had a shared memory.

"Jackson, your dad's a bozo," said Lizzy.

Jackson and I both laughed. "After eighteen years of living with him, you think I haven't figured that out by now?"

"Good point," replied Lizzy. "You want to hold her?" she asked Aidan, who nodded and took the baby into his own arms.

"So, what's her name?" asked Jackson.

"Your dad and I decided on Blythe Jekyll and Hailey Hyde," answered Lizzy.

Like Jackson, Blythe looked very much human, although unlike Jackson, she did have her father's eyes rather than her mother's. I suspected Hailey would be the opposite, as well as the one to take on the more fire-elemental appearance.

Jackson and I each got to hold Blythe, too, and so did Sydney when she returned.

Realizing that Holt would want to meet their new sister as well, Jackson decided to switch out with him after a few more minutes, and since he figured the flames from the transformation might freak her out, he went into the hall to do so. A minute later, Holt entered the room.

"Yo, what's goin' on?" he asked, and then he spotted Blythe and immediately understood. "Hey, I finally get to meet my sister!"

I carefully placed Blythe in his arms, and although she began to fuss a little bit, Holt was able to keep her calm while holding her. She even ended up passing out in his arms, which was adorable.

Later, once we made it back to their house, I finally decided to ask Holt a question I'd wanted to ask both he and Jackson for a while now. "Would you be interested in going to prom with me?"

The grin Holt gave in response could have rivaled that of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. "Like I'm gonna say 'no' to that," he said, wrapping his arms around me in an embrace.

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