Satan's POV.

Today was the day, Stana had finally landed her dream job of being a touring manager the current one took a leave of absence as his wife had just given birth to twins. Stana was nervous as it was her big break and it meant all eyes on her.
She grabbed her blazer and paired with a white top and jeans not forgetting her converse. Virgin and Best Laid Plans wanted her to be at the office by 9am. It had just gone past 7:30am when she took a bite of her toast and headed out of the door. Locking up and waving to her neighbour Mr Harrison, he smiled as Stana headed into the cab on her way into London. As she arrived she saw how big it was and it made her want this more than anything.

Feeling excited Stana headed into the building. Stana walked into the reception and waited for the girl at the desk to acknowledge her. Once she finally did the young blonde asked who she was.? " Stana Rayan I am here to see Erica Jones for my nine o'clock meeting?" Stana said with poise and a smile. The girl behind the desk wasn't worrying about her she fiddled with her computer and then gave her passes to use the elevators. Stana thanked her, while heading to the elevators. She pressed the 45th floor and waited for one of the doors to open. Once in she heard a voice coming saying "wait please I am so late" she was puzzled at how someone can be so late to something and then once he had ran into the elevator he then went to press the 45th floor but saw it lit up. With a glance over Stana saw this mystery man, he was about 6'1 maybe taller? with a baseball hat on and glasses, his outfit looked like he fell into a Crayola box of crayons. She then snickered to herself when she saw that his jeans had a security tag still on them. The mystery guy then looked over and thought what was so funny? Then Stana had to tell him. "I dont want to be rude but you have a security tag on your pants" she said while pointing to his right leg. The mystery guy wasn't too happy as he then groaned and swore under his breath "fuck these were brand new. I am going to kill Kyle for this" Stana looking confused she waited for the doors to open and headed out first. While walking into the big office Stana was now watching as the mystery guy then followed her. She smiled and walked with him as they headed into the same office.
Once in Stana sat down on one of the comfy chairs, she observed her surroundings and waited for Erica Jones to come out and tell her what band she is assigned to.
Waiting for about 30 minutes, Stana saw Erica come out and greet her "Hello it's nice to meet you," Stana shook her hand and headed into her office, there she saw the mystery man come in as well. Confused but she didn't want that to discourage her from what she needed to hear Stana waited for Erica to speak when the mystery man interjected, "Erica darling when will we meet Dicks replacement?" He said with a childish tone. Stana didn't let that worry her when Erica spoke up. "Dan we have found someone and as you can see she is sitting next to you" Stana smiled and waved at him when he smiled back, Stana lended out her hand for him to shake, he did and she was now informed on what she needed to do.

After the meeting had ended Stana was now meeting the rest of the band, they were all male and a few years older than her, see Stana was only 29, they all looked in their early to mid 30s.
She smiled at them all when Erica spoke for the last time. "Kyle, Will, Woody and Charlie I would like you all to meet your new tour manager Stana. "You've already met Dan as he was sitting in on the meeting," Stana nodded to Dan and then saw the remainder four men, They all waved and smiled back saying hellos and asking her what she did to take a gig like this? Stana smiled and then spoke finally letting them all know that she is fun but she will be hard when it comes to their touring as she doesn't want any slip ups. "Okay guys I am here to let you all know that even though I will be your friend and joke around I will be tough when it comes to things so make sure you listen to me as i dont give second chances." They all nodded and smiled before she rubbed her hands together and said "this will be fun"

After getting all she needed today her new bank cards, passport and information for the tour that was coming up it was all hands on deck, Stana headed home to pack she had a 6am flight tomorrow morning to New York, feeling excited and getting in the door ready to pack. It was 5:30pm when she had to make sure everything was good to go. Once she had everything packed and sorted it was now pushing 9pm whenshe decidedto head to her local pub, walking in and remembering her last time she will see this place as she is on tour for the next 12 months. Stana wanted one last pint before heading home and crashing to sleep.
After her third pint and saying goodbye to the locals she was walking out of the pub when she came across her ex he was now smashing faces with some drunk girl. Not wanting to see him she hid into some bushes and waited for him to get into the car, after sighing in relief Stana turned around and bumped into someone "sorry" she said as she saw it was Dan from earlier today. He had beer all over him and now he wasnt too happy. "Oh you spilt my beer" Stana was now red from embarrassment and hung her head in shame as she whispered out a "I can get another one?" Before Dan's face over came with laugher and he touched her shoulder saying its okay. Stana was now relieved and she saw that he was with the rest of the band. Walking over to the table they all cheered when they saw her, "Stanaaa" they cheered she laughed and sat on the bar stool. Dan headed back inside and got anothet round, it was pushing 2am when she knew they all hadto leave for the airport soon. So being an annoying mum figure or sister which way you wanted to look at it she then clinked the glasses together and told them to leave as it's better to be hungover on the plane than be late. So she russled them all up and told them if they aren't on the plane by take off she is firing them. They all looked shocked and mouthed "she can't do that can she?" They all hurried and got into taxis and headed to their homes to get their stuff. Stana now true to her word she headed back home and got her suite case. Instead of having a quick nap she headed for the airport and waited for the grown men to arrive. First was Woody and he had Chrissy and his two boys. Saying goodbye to him. Then it was Will with his wife Aweoii, next was Charlie with his wife. After that it was Kyle. The last was Dan and we needed him, the final boarding call was being called and his name too. We all waited and Stana was now getting annoyed she needed him or it was no band. They all headed onto the plane and Stana waited for Dan to arrive. Waiting next to the doors the flight attendant was now getting a bit annoyed, Stana pleaded with her to wait for 5 more minutes when he ran out of breath, Stana was now rolling her eyes and laughing at how he still was in track pants a pink jacket over him. He handed her his ticket and we walked onto the plane. Now getting settled into his seat Dan put his shade to the window down and fell asleep. Stana laughed and watched was they finally took off. Next stop was New York. 

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