This chapter will be from Stanas dream sequence as she hasn't woken up from her coma. So everything that happens now will be all a dream. Enjoy

Stana POV:

I woke up and saw that I was attached to wires and saw Dan asleep in the chair he looked so cute. My left hand hurt and it was bandaged I saw a nurse come in and she smiled weakly at me. "How are you this morning love?" The nurse said while she was checking my IVs and vituals. "I'm sore but I want to know when I can go home?" I said now looking at the nurse who then spoke "I'll get the doctor and once he's signed your discharge papers you can leave" the nurse said now as she walked out of the room I nodded and turned to my right side to see Dan still asleep. I go and reach for my phone but I wasn't able to and so it fell as I was trying to get it. I see Dan wake up with a startle as I was trying to grab my phone that is now on the ground. Dan then picked it up for me. I "thanked" him and he nodded I wanted to get it of here and go back to being their tour manager.

I was allowed to go and it was great, I had been wheeled out of the hospital and saw all the guys in a van waiting for me. I smiled and we headed to the next venue. I fell asleep on dan and it felt good. I wanted to be with him and maybe this near death situation would make my mind up. We got back to the venue i was told not lift a finger and that they had someone come in and inspect the place it was now safe for them to perform. I sat at the back of the venue where sound coop was he smiled at me as I watched the guys practice for tonight's gig.
Once the place had been filled up and everyone was inside now dancing around and having a good time I went to the back stage room to lie down I didn't want to be a party pooper so I laid down on the backstage lounge I was now falling asleep when I heard someone come in I looked and saw it was Dan I thought to myself how long was I asleep? He came and kissed my forehead as I watched him get changed. I smiled as the other guys came in Kyle wasn't speaking to me and I knew he felt bad but it wasn't his fault. "Hey Kyle don't be sad kitten. You didn't do anything wrong" I said now smiling at him. Kyle smiled back and then sat next to me giving me a hug I was happy being here and I just stared at Dan I wanted him so bad and I thought maybe we can have sex once we get to the hotel.

Upon arriving at the hotel every one said their goodnights and it was now me and Dan I pulled him in and kissed his lips we kissed for about a minute and then he broke away saying "let's take it slow" I nodded and we headed to the bed where I got changed into my pjs. Dan was in his tshirt and boxers. We got under the covers and he held me in his arms, I was wrapped up with my head on his chest and I couldn't have been more happier. I fell into a sleep and hoped for a better tomorrow. I woke up in the middle of the night where I was having a nightmare I thought I had seen Adam in my hotel room and he was alive I started to freak out and I ended up waking Dan he was now trying to figure out what was going on. I told him I thought I had seen Adam he then called the hotel lobby and said to them "has anyone been up to this floor" they told him "no" but it felt real he was standing next to me and it made me think am I dreaming or is Adam not dead?*

Dan's POV:

I woke up from being asleep to hearing beeping and seeing Stana twitching and her eyes flickering but she wasn't waking up. They said that she could be in this coma for days or even weeks its up to her when she wants to wake. I just held on to her hand and kissed it. I wanted to make sure she was okay. Kyle was beside himself and it wasn't his fault, he came and brought her flowers and a stuffed kitten to say he was "sorry" but he had nothing to be sorry for. The gig was moved to another date we told the fans we were sorry and they all wished she would get better. I was now holding her hand when I see someone come in and go to her. He was a tall dark haired guy with a scar on his face, I asked "who are you?" He didn't reply I then buzzed for the nurse and she came in. I told her to remove this man as he's not on allowed in her and then he spoke "I'm her husband Adam" he said looking at me with a grin, I was now shocked I didn't know she was married and why didn't she tell me? It was now his word against Stana's...

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