Stanas POV.

We leanded into JFK Airport and Dan had to wake up from his nap. Kyle giving him a kick to the ass he was not happy he walked off with his luggage and walked out to the baggage claim. Stana hurried them all around to make sure she can get them into their tour bus that will be their home for the next 4 months. After making sure everyone had their gear and bags she walked out to see the big bus ready for them. Stana was first in and she assigned them all their bunks they all groned and moaned. Stana laughed it off and waited for everyone to be seated in table area when she sees the hlf asleep men and not really paying attention to her. Stana wasn't going to give up and so she decided that if she can't get them to listen then she will then sit find her bunk and take a nap.
After getting to her bunk that was at the end of the little hall and being near the loungroom at the back Stana got in and closed her curtain, she sighed before she fell into a blissful sleep.
Waking up and seeing it was dark and snowy on the roads, Stana told the driver to "pull off to a safe place and crash for the remainder of the night until it was light out." He nodded she then saw Kyle and Woody playing Xbox, while Will was reading. She walked passed Charlie who was on the phone he smiled and she smiled back. Walking through she saw Dan he was watching a David Lynch movie, Stana was now watching from her bunk when Dan spoke "do you want to watch it with me?" He said as she was looking from her bunk. Stana shook her head and declined but "thanked" him for the offer Dan then nodded and she was on her laptop getting things ready for the show they have coming up in 3 days. First they were playing Philadelphia, then New Jersey then last stop it was Maddison Square Garden. Getting everything planned was the best thing for Stana as she loved to be organised.

The next morning it was sunny and the snow wasnt as bad as it was the night before but because of the Jet Lag. Stana couldn't sleep. So she made sure that they were all ready for the next few nights ahead. Stopping at the venue they parked. The guys were ready to stretch their legs and get off the bus it was only a 24hr ride but it felt like a lifetime to them. Stana then headed off the bus and it was windy. Wrapping herself up she then informed the guys on what's next. "Okay so today we are heading to do some sight seeing and all that, you guys will be able to do whatever you want. But just make sure your back at hotel by 6pm." they all nodded and gave her a wave. Stana grabbed her bags and booked a Lyft. Waiting for it to come so Stana can head back to the hotel and shower she was left standing with Dan who was on his phone. She gave him a small smile when he smiled back, they hopped in as they were heading to the same place. They arrived at the hotel, after getting checked in and being told that their rooms were now taken and it was sharing for the next two days Stana had to make sure there was at least three rooms. They were looking and they did their best, but they could only come up with two meaning they all would have to share. So it was Kyle, Woody, and Will in one room and it was Stana, Charlie, and Dan in the other. Sighing and just going for it. She and Dan headed to the rooms.
Stana wanted to have a shower and get the stink off her. So she headed to the room, giving Dan the other key to the adjoining room, he went in and took a shower while the guys bags were being sent up Stana headed in and let the hot water flow over her. She sighed and thought "was it crazy to take this job?" She kept wondering. After a long shower and getting herself changed she knocked on the adjoining room and saw Dan sitting on the sofa with his laptop in his lap, she walked over and sat down. Turning to him and asking if he wanted to "get some room service" Dan nodded and smiled at Stana as she headed to phone. While hanging up Stana sat back down on the sofa that dan was sitting on and took the remote from him and checked to see what was on.

A few hours after everyone had come back from sight seeing and doing the tourist stuff Stana had to inform them on the sleeping arrangements. "So it's Kyle, Will, and Woody in this room. Then next is myself, Dan and Charlie." She said now looking at them they all nodded and started to unpack. Stana headed into the next room it only had one queen bed and they were bringing up a single cot for someone to sleep on. Stana not wanting any drama. She then spoke "Okay I am going to have half of the Queen bed, if anyone wants to not share with me then it's the floor" Charlie and Dan nodded with smirks. Then it was fighting who sleeps next to her and who gets the cot. After losing 3-0 Dan was bunking next to Stana it was going to be a long night as Stana wasn't tired and the jet lag was hitting hard.
Later that night Stana was on her laptop when she saw Charie and Dan asleep. Smiling at how cute they were when Charlie mumbled into his sleep that he wanted a bacon unicorn. Heading to the balcony to work as it was 5am Stana was rugged up and making sure that the guys were all inline for the concerts.
The morning sun rose and it was now 7am,  Stana had woken up and saw she was still outside she had the blanket over her head cold as anything. She headed inside and saw the guys looking at her when she sat down to eat breakfast she then mouthed with bacon in her mouth "what?" They all looked away. After breakfast and a coffee. She hopped into the shower for some hot water and to wash her hair. After getting out and having the guys gone to do more sightseeing she was left in the room to herself. Stana decided on going to the venue to make sure everything was going to plan.
Arriving at the venue the night was ready for the Bastille experience and she was excited. After sound check and everything was ready the guys were all in the back room. Stana walked in with a smile on her face and she knew tonight they will kill it.

Dan, Will, Woody, Kyle and Charlie were all amazing as usual Stana couldn't be more happier. They all headed backstage for a drink or two. Stana was so proud the frist night had gone off without a hitch. It was now the next two venues to go before leaving NYC.

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