Stanas POV

After telling the guys about what had happened to her Stana felt like a weight of relief had been taken from her. She was happy to move on from her past and hope that she can move forward with Bastille and their tour. After a good nights sleep and coffee Stana headed to see flowers and gifts from the guys, she didn't know what to say she was over come with emotions and happiness. Seeing them all eating breakfast and walking to sit down at the table, they all came and gave her a huge hug. Stana wanted to thank them all so she decided on bringing out their wives and girlfriends, but she didn't have anyone for Dan and she decided on asking his mum and dad to come out. It would be a good chance to for them all to catch up even if it's for two days. Stana had money set aside and so she used that to pay for the plane tickets and get them all her for the next show. After keeping it hush hush and not wanting to ruin a surprise. Stana kept going about her work with them, heading to the venue for tonight's gig it was only then that she felt a rush of happiness over her. Stana was in her own world when she got the messages to say that everyone was on their way and it was a go from her end Stana was excited, she couldn't wait for the families of Bastille to arrive.
After the gig had ended and it was now party time Stana headed back to the hotel after the guys decided on heading out. It was just her alone in the room when the door opened up and she was standing there in her bra and panties. Stana quickly grabbing a robe and putting it on. She saw Dan he was now blushing a shade of red and she was looking at her feet. Closing it up and then asking "how come you aren't with the guys" she said while throwing pants and a t-shirt on as she had her back to him. He then told her that "he wanted an early night and wanted to take her to dinner?" She looked at him and thought for a second. Stana didn't want this to go down the road she had with Adam and even if she did want to have a happy ending would she end up hurting him if she couldnt give him what he wanted? All these thoughts were clouding her mind when Dan coughed "Oh sorry, look i would love to but i think it's best if we kept it professional" Stana said with sadness in her voice, Dan nodded and then she she thought how about they order in. Dan was up for that it was already late in the night. Stana needed sleep, but being around Dan was something she enjoyed as she kept herself happy from the memories that she replayed in her head of when she was with Adam but she pushed that out of her mind and enjoyed her night with Dan, they were laughing and chatting about anything and everything. Stana was happy to have Dan, Woody, Will, Kyle and Charlie. She felt happy and it was where she wanted to be.

The next day Stana woke up and saw that the partners and Dan's parents were headed for the hotel in about 20 minutes so Stana made sure she was dressed and ready for when they come into the lobby. The guys where asleep. Stana greeted everyone and told all of them to go up to the rooms. She then headed to the elevators and got in. Arriving up and seeing them all happy she went into her room so she could let them chat and whatnot.
After they all had caught up to meet and whatnot Stana told the guys what was on today besides them having their concert that they will need to rehurse for they headed out to go sightseeing and be with their family's. Stana stayed behind and sat in bed while on her mac. *dream*
She was saddened  at if her parents were here she would be having the same fun time with the others. Snapping out of her head and wanting to find happiness she headed out of the hotel to see if she could catch up with the guys. It was snowing and cold keeping herself rugged up, she bumped into someone spilling their coffee over her now feeling the hot warm liquid on her she was shocked to see it was Adam. Feeling scared and wanting to get away from him she ran past him only to be pulled back to him, he had a huge smile on his face and then she felt a knife that went into her stomach. Feeling the blade in her she felt him twist it and then pull it out. Stana shocked and crying from the pain she fell to the ground with blood around her. It was then she closed her eyes as the darkness came over her. Then she gasped for air. *end of dream*
Waking up from someone shaking her she see it was Kyle he had a concerned smile on his face. Feeling embarrassed Stana headed into the bathroom she washed her face and breathed in and out. Heading to the guys she didn't want to let them down so she faked a smile and they all headed to the venue. Stana was over thinking the dream and how it felt so real. Once the guys had set up for the gig tonight Stana was able to get the bad dream of her mind while she listened to the music and chatted with all the wives and girlfriends. Plus Dan's parents she was happy again.
Later that night when everyone was heading back to the hotel it was just her and Dan in the backstage room he walked over to her and asked "hey are you okay?" He said with a weak smile, Stana smiled back and nodded but Dan wasn't feeling it so he came over and pulled Stana close he had her in his arms and he could smell her hair. He pushed back her hair and tucked it behind her ear. Stana smiled at him and hugged Dan close to her she could feel the tears well up in her eyes but she didn't want to let them come. He held her and whispered "It will be okay" she just held on to him and then out of know where she felt his hands cup her face and in that moment she felt his lips on hers. She didn't want to break the kiss and so she intensified the kiss. Her tongue fighting with his, her hands around his neck. Stana wanted him and even though it was lust and not love she didn't care. Dan pulled away and Stana was confused he went to the backstage door and locked it. Smiling at what is happening Stana felt Dan pick her up and carry her to the lounge were she felt his hands go to her shirt and pull it up his mouth sucking on the fabric through her bra, her nipples hardening he pulled down her bra and sucked on her now erect nipples feeling his mouth on her she let out a small moan. She wanted this so bad and in that moment she sat up and pushed Dan back on to the lounge where she straddled him. She undid his belt and jeans. She pulled down her panties to pull his erect cock into her pussy. She moaned as she felt him inside her her mouth kissing Dan's neck and feeling his hands cup her ass while she thrusted onto him and panted as she was getting closer to her climaxing not wanting to break her speed Dan now pushing her back onto the lounge where he thrusted into her. Stana felt Dan's hand intertwine with hers she was taken back from it but she didn't want to lose this moment as she heard Dan moan and kiss her neck as she felt him get closer to him climaxing Dan and Stana were now on edge when they came together. Panting and kissing afterwards. Stana hadn't had sex like that ever. When she was with Adam it was over and he would go off to clean himself he never came inside of her. Maybe he was afraid that Stana was going to get pregnant but she made sure she didn't as her career was more important. Having a IUD in place. Stana got up from her spoon with Dan and got herself fixed up she then walked out of the room only to look and see Dan he was sad. But she made sure he would smile again. She then said "Hey let's do this again Smith" she said with a wink and walked out to see everyone in the van waiting they were all in their own world's when she sat down. Then she saw Dan and he sat at the front with his mum and dad. Having sex with Dan was something Stana wanted and she hoped she could keep it up.

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