Stanas POV:

A few weeks after having sex with Dan Stana went back to managing the boys. She had just woken up in the tour bus they were now heading to LA for six gigs that will keep them busy. Stana and Dan had been secretly having sex while the guys were oblivious to it. Dan and Stana made sure no one knew about it. But they couldn't be that dumb, they all knew something was up as Dan would give me looks and I knew they knew. After arriving at the gig I was able to go into the venue and make sure it was ready for tonight's gig. The guys had gotten into the venue and started setting up when Kyle was having problems with his keyboard and so I headed over to see what was wrong. I was fiddling around with the keyboard turning it on and off when I saw a wire had been chewed and so I went to pick it up but I was given a shock. I fell to the ground after it had shocked me. The next thing I knew I was in darkness..

Kyle's POV:

We had all headed into the venue when we decided to set up for the gig. I had been having problems with my keyboard and it was annoying me and so I see Stana come over to me and start to fiddle with it. She couldn't think of why it was playing up. She had turned it on and off and then checked the wires when she saw it was chewed and so she wanted to fix it. I was on my phone replying to my girlfriend when I saw in the corner of my eye Stana she went down like a sack of potatoes and she was out cold. I gestured for someone to come and check her out when I saw Dan he had a worried look on his face. We all knew they had been having sex with each other but we didn't care we wanted him to have some fun and so if He's happy then let him go for it. We see the paramedics arrive and work on her they said that her palse was weak and they needed to get her to the hospital as she could die. We all nodded and headed to the van while they cancelled tonights gig. Dan rode in the back. I got a cab, while Woody, Will and Charlie all headed to a hotel. We had to Dick know and hope everything was okay.
Arriving at the hospital I see Dan in the waiting room and he was worried. " Hey any news on her?" I said worried, Dan shook his head to say no and so I sat with him and hoped Stana was okay. Dan was nervously pacing and biting his nails, waiting for someone to come out and tell us anything.
A few hours had passed and Dan was on his phone when a doctor came out and told us that "Stana was recovering and that she will be okay." We nodded and headed into her room, she was hooked up to machines and wires. She looked so peaceful. I sighed and thought this was my fault I should of just left it and gotten someone to fix it. Dan sat next to her bed and grabbed her hand. Her left had wad burnt from the shock. I put my hand on Dan's shoulder and he put her hand to his lips and kissed it. I headed out and called the guys to let them know she was okay and that she will be here for a few days. Dick hadn't got back to me yet but I knew he would have to come and manage us until she's better.

Dan's POV:

After Stana had been electrocuted I was worried and so after being told she was going to be okay, I was happy. I sat with her, her hand in mine as I kissed it, I saw her lying there with wires and tubes. She had a burn mark on her left hand and I wanted this to not have happened.

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