Dans POV

After being told that Dan couldn't talk for 24hrs it was going to kill him. He was a bad patient for Stana and she was trying her best with the other guys in the band, she wanted to make sure that he didn't over do it. Dan was in bed bored and drinking and letting his voice recover. He was kicking himself as he didn't want to let the fans down. Sighing and making new music on his laptop plus messaging the guys and Stana in a group chat. It was now afternoon and the concert was tomorrow Dan hoped he would be okay for tomorrow. Staring into space Dan was taken out of his thoughts, he saw Stana bring in soup and antibiotics for his throat that the doctor had proscribed. He took the tablets and ate the soup it was a comfort to what is outside as there was snow coming from everywhere. He hoped the guys weren't having too much fun without him.
After the guys came back into the hotel room Stana had them all around the table Dan had watched as she gave them the talk about "the show might be cancelled if Dan can't sing" they all nodded and Kyle made his jokes that "It was all his fault, he should of let the kitten scratch his throat" everyone laughed and Dan tried hard not too as well. Watching the guys laze about as the weather got really bad Dan thought he would continue with his new demos.

Stanas POV

The weather had turned bad and it was now all of us crammed into the room, Stana headed to the bed so she can work on some notes and email back Dick who's been asking about the guys, he was happy being a father but missed them. Emailing back and saying that the guys were all under control he let thanked her and she felt a glee of happy as this has been her dream for ages now. Stana pinched her eyes together and yawned, it was getting late in the day and because of the weather she was getting sleepy. So she decided on falling asleep for a bit while the guys watched movies. It was then she was hit with another nightmare that she woke up in a panic and sweat all over her. Dan had come from the bathroom when he saw her in a panic. She sighed and thought it was time to tell the guys what had happened to her. Getting up and heading to the table she gathered them all around to tell them what her ex had done to her.
"Hey can you call come and sit down for a bit" she said with stern in her voice and made sure they were understanding. They grabbed a seat and sat down. Stana then sighed and began to talk.
"So there is something I want to tell you all" she said now trying not to let the tears form. Stana looked at them all and told them what had happened. "


Two years ago Stana had met the man of her dreams, he was smart, kind, funny and everything you want for a man. Stana had just started working for virgin but only as a personal assistant. It was a long road from where she was today. Stana and Adam had everything going for them their passion and love never died. Things started taking a turn for the worse after Stana had to work late one night it was November so the weather was cold. Stana headed to her car when she got a phone call from Adam. He was yelling at her to get home and how she should of told him she was working late. Stana sighed and thought okay maybe he will calm down when i get home. So she headed in and not before the she turned her key Adam was at the door. He pulled her by hair and dragged her in, punching her in the face causing her bottom lip to split open. Stana felt the blows of his punches in her stomach and ribs. Once he was done she fell to the ground but it wasn't before Adam kicked her in the ribs. She headed into the bathroom after he had left looking at herself in the mirror she cried and cleaned herself up. After putting ice on her swollen lip and hoping the the black eye she got wasn't going to be noticeably seen by her boss tomorrow, she assessed the damages and saw her ribs bruised getting a bandage and wrapping it around her body she headed to bed. It wasn't long before Adam had come back and he was crying saying how he was sorry and that she wouldn't be in the mess if she had just rang him. She nodded and cried herself to sleep.
The next day he had made her breakfast and bought roses to say he was sorry but it wasn't going to fix what had happened. Stana headed to work with the make up just covering her bruises she got stares from her coworkers but they didn't ask anything. She just contained with her work and her day.
The biggest blow came from when Stana and Adam headed to a Christmas party, Stana didn't want to go as she wasn't feeling too good but Adam made her. He had already given her a smack to the face for not having his clothes dry cleaned. She knew she had to leave him and she hoped it was going to happen soon. Stana was enjoying herseld after Adam got talking with her bosses. Stana mingled and then once the night headed for a close it was now up to Stana to take a drunk Adam home. She brought him inside and put him on the sofa while she got changed. She had put her pjs on when she saw Adam, he had anger inside of him she had never seen before, he grabbed Stana and put her in the boot of his car. Stana was crying and hoping this wasn't the end she didn't know what was happening.
Adam opened up the trunk and grabbed Stana heading into a warehouse Stana was now scared she wanted to leave but she couldn't she was tied to a chair and then she saw a guy come over to her. He had booze on his breath and cigarette smell on him. He slapped her and she felt her face on fire. Stana was crying for them to let her go, pleading for them that she will give them anything they wanted. They didn't seem to care and it was now her trapped her. The guy nodded to Adam and he nodded back, Stana had her arms free but it was then she was taken to a surgeons table. They placed her down and strapped her in that's where they injected her with many drugs she had never seen before, waking in and out of consciousness Stana saw that they had taken her kidney, neat her again and again until she she fell back into darkness when she awoke again she saw that her arms had been cut open and blood everywhere. They had taken turn raping her and left her on the surgeon's table to die pretty much. Stana saw that she was alone and now she had to try and get herself to a hospital. Unstrapping herself Stana fell to the ground and cried out in pain. She was trying to find anything to call an ambulance or police. But it was nothing she can see. Stana had to try and get out of where she was. Stana opened the doors and headed to see it was near an airport. Hoping she could use their phone she walked over and saw one of the men from last night, she didn't want to be seen so she got on the ground and hoped he would walk away just for her to call someone. After falling asleep and waking up she saw no one was in the booth, she headed to the phone to call 999 and hoped someone would come and save her. She was speaking to one of the operators when she fainted.

Waking up and seeing she was in a hospital bed, she asked one of the nurses where she was they had told her she was brought in by being left on the front steps of the hospital. She cried in pain and saw the nurse come to her, she was told to take it easy and that she had lost the baby. Stana was shocked at her comments as she didn't know she was pregnant and she was happy about that. She didn't want to bring some assholes kid into the world for him to beat up. Stana laid back asleep and hoped she didn't see Adam again.
After leaving the hospital Stana headed to the police and got a DVO (domestic violence order) out on Adam. She made sure police were around her when she headed back home to get her stuff. She didn't want to go back there and worry if he was going to kill her. Stana headed to her bestfriends house where she stayed there until she could find a new place. After spending weeks working late and getting to where she was now Stana had to make a change so she made sure that she took self defense classes and if she saw him again she wasn't going to let him make her feel the way he did when she nearly died.
*end of flashback*

The guys all huddled around her and she was overcome with emotion as it was the first time she ever told anyone her past since it had happened. Stana saw Dan who gave her a weak smile and he was holding her hand, wiping her tears away from her eyes she was lucky to have such an amazing support.

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