Stana's POV:

After being released from the hospital I headed to the taxi that will take me to the hotel. Once I got get there I saw all the guys and saw Dan's face he was annoyed with me or something. I had to find out, I couldn't beleive Adam was alive and I'm married to him. I filed for annulment two years ago. I wanted to get into the big hotel bed and just nap. We had cancelled a few dates and I felt bad as its not the fans or the boys fault. Getting into my hotel room I had to let them all know. I sat them all around the table and spoke. "Okay I am shocked as much as you lot." I said with my head looking at my burn hand. They didn't say anything when I spoke again "I filled for anullment two years ago so I don't know how its possible" they all looked at me and then Kyle spoke.
"Hey Stan *he would call me that to annoy me* we love you and we will do anything to help you." he said with a smile. Then woody spoke
"Hey love he can't do this and we are here for you" he said smiling at me. I smiled back and saw Charlie come and hug me and then Will spoke. "We love you and we hope you can get the bustard." He said coming to give me a hug. Then it was Dan's turn to talk but he didn't say anything and I thought this was weird.. I shook my head and then spoke. "Okay guys I'm going to take a shower and nap, I'll see you in a few hours okay?" I said with a smile, they all nod and then I see them walk out of the room. But Dan stayed behind and I walked into the bathroom. After showering I see that Dan is still in my room sitting on my sofa. I walked over to him and sit down. I then spoke "whatever you have to say just say it" I said looking at the floor. Then he spoke and he was mad.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE MARRIED?" He said angry, like I hid it from him when I thought it was annulled. Then I spoke but I didnt want to yell. "I didnt know it wasnt annulled and you can't get angry at me for thinking it was when I wanted to get away from him" I said with tears forming in my eyes. Dan saw and spoke again but was softer this time. "Stana I did some digging and he's in deep with the mob. He is a powerful man who will stop at nothing" Dan said holding my hands. Then I spoke "you think I dont know that. Why do you think I got away from him?..
I literally ran away from him at a shopping centre hiding in a pharmacy and telling the cashier I am hiding from my abusive husband." I said now crying. Dan held me and i sobbed on his chest, "he did awful things to me and now he's back.. I don't know what to do.. I can't escape him" I said sobbing. Dan held me close and kissed my head, "dan I never kept anything from you." I said now looking at him.. Dan looked at me and kissed my lips and then he picked me up and took me to the bed. We laid under the covers in an embrace.
The next morning I woke and saw Dan asleep I smiled and went to pee. Coming back from the bathroom I got back into Dan's arms. He moved and said with a sleepy tone "oh what time is it?" He said sqeezing me. "Its 5:30am" I said looking at him as he put his neck into mine. Then spoke "why are you awake?" He said a bit annoyed but playful. I then laughed "get your arse up Smith" I said smiling at him. Dan made a face and got up to use the bathroom while I went and got on my laptop. I was doing an email to Dick when I saw an email that was from Adam.. it read
*hey baby I see that you are discharged so what hotel are you at? Wait dont tell me I probably know*
Love your husband Adam
I saw it and was shocked how the fuck did he get my email? What am I going to do? I can't have this.. Dan came out and saw me. He then asked "hey whats wrong?" He said now worried. I then showed him and he was now annoyed "i will get my cousin to tell me what dirt he has on him" Dan said coming to me. I had to find a away to protect myself. So I decided on a gun. I looked for one online and saw a place that can get me one easy. I also saw that they will be able to show me how to shoot i need to be able to if I want Adam dead.

Later that day I came back from being able to shoot and having the gun in my bag, I walked to the elevator and got to my room I see the guys waiting and we headed inside. I sat them all down and then I saw Dan speak "So my cousin Sebastian said that he escaped custody and the mob had them shot but it was flesh wound then he came to America, he's been here for the past year" Dan said with a sad expression. We were all worried that this guy will kill me.
"What are we going to do he won't stop until I am dead?" I said to the guys now I was worried and then Charlie spoke "then why not fake your death?" He said now looking at me and then it clicked. "If its what it takes then okay" I said with no hesitation. We started planning it out i was going to have someone shoot me but i will be wearing a bulletproof vest and we will make sure that the EMT's are told to say i am dead. Then I will be on the first plane back to England with a new name. This meant I will have to say goodbye to Bastille and everything I loved.. Was this the right choice? I mean I am throwing my life away but for the safety of it and Dan,Charlie,Woody,Will and Kyle its a risk i will have yo take.

The next night it was the concert. I am wearing a bulletproof vest.. We hired someone to shoot me when Dan goes into the crowd for Happier. I will be down the front waiting and once Dan makes a big scene I will be shot we will make sure Adam is there to witness it all.

Now we had wait for Bastille to start playing.

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