Christen Press- Her Weakness

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Riley's POV
"Hey baby," I said looking up at Christen from her chest as we both were cuddled up on the couch in our apartment in Sandy, Utah.
"Yeah babe," She said looking down at me.
"Happy 4th year anniversary, I have a dinner planned for tonight since I'd know you'd forget," I said.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry baby... I'll make it up to you I promise," She said kissing me.
"You better, but I'm going to see some friends for coffee so you better be ready by the time I get back," I said kissing her before getting up and putting some nice clothes and sneaking out before Christen could see me in the dress I was wearing.

"So when are you going to tell her that you got this little guy?" Kelley asked as she pet the top of my puppies head as I was holding him.
"I was going to tell her tonight at dinner... that's why I'm dressed so nice, and I was actually wondering that once we're out you can bring him to mine and Chris' place," I said holding out my key and she grabbed it.
"Yeah of course," She said.
"Thanks Kell's, I'm so glad that Chris at least told you about us," I said looking away.
"Riley...," Kelley said.
"Well... I've got to go, see you later Kells," I said giving her back the Golden Retriever puppy and hurrying out.

When I got up to our apartment I knocked on the door and I heard Chris hurrying towards the door and when she opened it my mouth dropped as I looked her up and down memorizing every detail.
"Are you just going to stare all night or are we going to go eat," Christen said smiling knowing the effect she had on me.
"I could stand here all night," I said and she hit me gently, grabbing my hand as we went downstairs to my vehicle and I opened her door for her.

When we finally got to the restaurant and took our seats at a table nobody would see us at because it was secluded and then our waitress came over.
"Hello, what can I get you this fine evening?" She asked looking at me.
"Oh can we just get some red wine?" I asked.
"Of course, coming right up," She said gently brushing up against me as she walked by and I looked at Christen to see that she was upset.
"What?" I asked and she just shook her head.

After we finished eating and we were just chatting the waitress came back over with the check and handed it to me making sure her fingers brushed mine.
"I hope you had a good time, and give me a call sometime. I would really like to get to know you better," She said standing behind me with her hands on my shoulders and I looked to see Chris was beat red.
"Uhh... no thanks I actually have a girlfriend," I said.
"Don't worry we can keep this between us," She said turning my head towards her but I pulled away.
"Ummm... no thanks I'm happy and in love with my girlfriend," I said.
"I can change that," She said moving so she was facing me sitting in my lap but I pushed myself back standing up moving away.
"No thanks, I think it's time we leave," I said walking away and Christen followed holding my hand and when we got into the vehicle she turned my face towards her and pulled me in kissing me passionately.
"I love you so much baby, these last 4 years have been incredible and I am so glad to call you my girlfriend," She said as we broke apart and we held hands the whole way back.

"Ok before we go up... I need to tell you something," I said getting nervous.
"Tell me on the way up," She said getting out of the car and running and I quickly followed and I stopped her just outside our apartment.
"Babe," I said.
"Yes baby," She said.
"So... you know I love you so much, right?" I asked.
"Of course, why wouldn't I? Now come on I want to see Morena and Khaleesi," She said wiggling out of my grip and unlocking the door going inside and I followed hanging my head.
"Kells? What are you doing here?" Christen asked and I looked up to see Kelley and I shook my head letting her know that I hadn't told her.
"Oh you know just chilling, I saw Riley this afternoon and asked if I could hang out here since you guys wouldn't be here," Kelley said.
"So that's where your key went," Chris said and I smiled nodding as Chris bent down petting Morena and Khaleesi and then I saw the puppy run over to Christen so I motioned Kelley to follow me out quietly and we made our way to the front door before we heard Chris yell.
"Riley Abigail Johnson! Kelley Maureen O'Hara! What did you two do?!" Chris yelled and we both looked at each other.
"Riley did it!" Kelley yelled going to run off but I grabbed her arm hitting her.
"Snitch," I said holding onto her so she couldn't get away.
"Both of you in here now!" Christen yelled and we hung our heads looking at the floor as we walked back in plopping onto the couch still not looking up even as Chris stood in front of us.
"What have I told you babe," Chris said.
"No more puppies," I mumbled.
"What was that? Look at me and say it," Chris said and I looked up and I could tell she was mad.
"I'm really sorry babe," I said.
"And Kelley you kept the puppy at your place and you didn't tell me," Christen said looking at the woman next to me.
"I told her not to tell you babe," I said and she quickly looked at me and I went silent.
"Go Kelley, we need to talk," Christen said not taking her eyes off me and I let Kelley go so she got up and it was just me and Chris.
"Babe," I said but she shook her head.
"I told you baby no more dogs and I was serious now your sleeping out here until I decide to forgive you," Chris said leaving and going into our room with Morena and Khaleesi and locking the door.
"Fuck," I groaned laying back on the couch as the puppy climbed onto my chest and laying down.
"I'm sorry buddy, I need to go somewhere to try and fix things," I said moving him to the floor as I got up grabbing my key Kelley left and leaving locking the door behind me.

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