III. Bonding Time with the Zodiacs

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Water signs

"Welcome, Miss Zoe," A man in a suit opened the grand doors. The three water signs walk through the door while the other two whistled. 

"Dang, Zoe. You've got a nice house," Cancer turned to inspect every inch of the grand room. A chandelier hung over the twirling stairs while sofas circled the T.V. A large kitchen was to the right where the smell of seafood was being cooked. 

Pisces pinched his nose in disgust. 

The butler appeared at Scorpio's side and asked, "Is Miss Kim with you Miss Zoe?" 

Scorpio waved him off. "She's out with some friends. She'll be home soon. Come now boys while I show you my house." 

"This isn't your house, Miss Hemsworth," A old lady said from the stairs. She held a grim expression at the sight of Scorpio. She turned her attention to Cancer and Pisces but did not say anything. "You are a guest at Mr. Green's safe house, that is until your uncle and aunt come from overseas to take you in."

"Take her in? As in taking her away?" Pisces asked. He looked between the two with a worried expression. 

The lady nodded. Her hazel eyes inspected him before replying, "The incident that happened between both our families is horrible but we must focus on our side. Kim lost her whole family and all she has left is me. Miss Hemsworth needs to spend time with her own family."

Cancer stepped forward which caused "Kim's" relative to raise an eyebrow. "But we are her family. Right, Pi- Troy? Zoe?" 

Troy nodded and placed a hand on Scorpio's shoulder but remained minimal eye content with the lady. 

Scorpio smirked and looked at the lady. "Looks like you aren't getting rid of me that easily." She turned to the boys and motioned for them to follow. "Now let me give you the grand tour. Don't worry Troy, you don't have to eat the seafood."

"Oh thank holy fishes!" 

Earth Signs

"I wish they had this back up in Pyris" Taurus melted at the one taste of her vanilla ice cream. She stood in between both boys as they devoured their ice cream. 

"I know right! Like this is the best thing I have ever tasted in my entire life!" Virgo exclaimed before dramatically screaming. "Ahh! It's dripping!" He licked at his chocolate ice cream that was sliding down his thumb. 

Capricorn shook his head at him before saying, "On a serious note, we need to find a way to get home. You know we can't stay here forever." The three of them sighed, their faces growing sour. 

"But can't we just enjoy it a little? We are free from responsibilities for once," Virgo reminded him. 

"No, Caps right. The more we enjoy this planet, the less likely we are willingly to leave,"  Taurus frowned and fed her ice cream to a stray dog. She smiled at the sight of it chomping it in one bite. 

"We should get the others and construct a plan of action," Capricorn said as he pulled out a small device. "Now does anyone know how to work this thing?" 

Virgo snatched it up and smiled. "Watch the master work his magic." 

Air Signs

"I'm sorry about yesterday, Rose. I know how strict your mother is," a girl named Holly said. She followed the three air signs to Gemini's house, which turned out to be Avery's younger sister.  "But as your best friend I will not let your mother stand in between our friendship." 

Aquarius mentally wanted to vomit but forced a smile. "Of course."

"Holly why don't you head inside. I need to speak to the two of them alone," Gemini asked her with a smile. 

Holly narrowed her eyes at him and said, "Since when do you want to talk to Rosie?"

"Just go... please, Holly," Aquarius said. 

Holly gave them one last look before walking off. Once out of earshot Libra turned to them. "What in King Basil's name is this? I hate this double life thing and my patience is wearing thin."

"Who knew mortals where so touchy-feely," Aquarius gagged. 

"If I were to stab myself would I die or would King Basil cancel my death?" Gemini questioned. 

Aquarius blinked at me. "What?"

"Never mind that. We all agree that we want to leave this place," he asked. They both nodded. "Good." He tapped his finger against his chin as he thought. 

Aquarius sighed. "It's obvious that mortals aren't as advance as us, to some degree. But if we can find someone that is from Gaia that doesn't find us crazy. We might have a chance at leaving." 

"What are you getting at Aqua?" 

"Maybe we can produce a signal strong enough to communicate back to Pyris," she suggested.

Libra clapped his hands together, "Yes! Then we can beg him to let us come back!"

"Now we just need to find someone to help us with that," Gemini told them. 

Fire Signs

"How do you even know how to drive, Leo?" Sagittarius asked, as they arrived at Aries house. Leo put the black car in park before looking at other two.

"Well it's not much different than driving a chariot or... a horse," Leo told her and smirked.

Sagittarius glared at her while Aries gasped. "Flying Rams! I forgot that I have to meet that girl at her house!"

Leo lifted an eyebrow before smiling. "Awe little Aries got herself a girlfriend?!" Sagittarius made little kissy faces and smirked.

"Shut up you two before I punch y'all and no she isn't my girlfriend. She is somehow associated with Kayla's life... Somehow."

"Do I need to drive you there instead?"

Aries shook her head. "I have to ride a horse." She glanced at Sagittarius with pleading eyes. "Please! You have to help me!"

Sagittarius gave her a look and said, "Just because I was a horse doesn't mean I know how to properly dress and command a horse." She paused and added, "Don't look at me like that. Stop!"

Aries looked at her with her 'adorable ram eyes' knowing Sagittarius couldn't resist them. Sagittarius let out a sigh.

"Fine but only if Leo is coming with."

Leo looked taken back. "Why am I being dragged into this? Besides I have- Hey! Sag no! Stop!" She tried to reach for the keys but Sagittarius was faster. "Sagittarius give me my keys back!"

"Your fancy house can wait. It's bonding time!"

Constellations Collide: A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now