VII. The Super Important, and Top Secret, Meeting

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This chapter should be renamed 'Ripped to Shreds'


"Okay. We are all here. Just tell us the news," Leo asked, an annoyed look on her face.

I looked curiously at the two new additions. A boy with blond hair and another boy with white hair like Capricorn. I raised my hand to which Aquraius raised an eyebrow.

"We aren't in class, Virgo. Just say it."

I put my hand down. "Yeah but I wanted to get someone's attention. Anyway how about we do introductions... because I don't think I'm the only one lost here. I'd like to know these boys names."

Cancer pointed to each one. "The boy with blond hair is Ophiuchus. The white haired one is Orion."

"They already know who were are. No need for introductions," Scorpio said.

I looked at the two boys who watched me with interests before looking at Cancer and Scorpio. "But... but... I didn't even get to introduce myself. Much less create a lasting impression for them to remember me by," I whined.

"Sit, virgin boy," Capricorn ordered and I sat down only after glaring at him.

Pisces glanced around the table as he counted out loud. Once he reached twelve he spoke to us, "Okay so the reason I called you to this meeting-"

"Correction! The super important, and top secret, meeting. No outsiders, Aries," I stood up and said. Aries gave me an accused look of 'Why me?'

"I think you've made your impression. Can you sit and let him speak?" Taurus sighed and I nodded.

"-I called you to this 'super important, and top secret, meeting' to explain that we are running out of time," Pisces said sadly. He ran his hand through his hair, as a look of confusion masked our faces, expect for Cancer and Scorpio of course.

Ophiuchus went on to explain the tattoos on our wrist... Sadly they were not for show.

"So if we don't get back to Pyris by... Who knows how long... Then we will be stuck here forever?" Gemini recapped, as he stares at his wrist. Ophiuchus nodded and he said, "I not sure what to make of that."

"Well what you should be thinking is a way to get back to Pyris like we've been saying," Capricorn told him, he eyes instantly went to mine. "Sadly our plan was ripped to shreds by this genius."

"Hey!" I said defensively. "If you weren't so Captain Capricorn mode then I wouldn't have 'ripped it to shreds'."

"Guys stop! Maybe these two, who have been here longer than two days, actually know something," Libra yelled from the others side of the table.

"That sounds wonderful. Let's hear it!" Scorpio said, not showing much interest but anything to shut us up.

Aquarius coughed beside me to hide her remark. "Of course she'd say that."

If Scorpio's gaze could kill, Aquraius would be ripped from the bone and thrown in a meat processer.

Ophiuchus clapped his hands together, gather our undivided attention. "I do indeed have a way to get you twelve back home but it's going to require you all working together. Something I've realized that you all don't have."

"Clearly," Libra mumbled a little too loudly.

"I know a place... well rumored to be a place... in South America of an ancient town deep within the jungle. There is a temple that leads directly to what you twelve are looking for," Orion told us, as he pulled up a map of South America. He circled a large country called Brazil.

"And what is this 'thing' we are looking for called?" Taurus asked.

Orion smirked. "The Fallen Labyrinth."

"Could you tell us more?" Sagittarius asked with interest, she instantly sat closer to the table as she held a pen to paper.

"It's said to look like a whole new world once you make it down the tunnel. A huge waterfall greets you as you step out of the tunnel. Birds, the size of a dog, fly around and their trees everywhere," Orion told them. "But that's just the entrance. Once you step into the cave the real danger starts. No one knows though because no one has ever made it into the cave and survived to tell the tale."

I looked at him as I put the pieces together. "Soooo how did we know what you say is true then?"

"You don't! It's all rumors. Of course, I'll be going with you all to find this secret, ancient temple," Orion answered quickly. Sagittarius looked down at her paper with a frown before tearing it up.

Ophiuchus put a hand on his friend's shoulder and said, "I will be coming also, to hopefully deliver you all safely."

"When do we leave to go to South.. Amazing?" Taurus squinted at the screen trying to make out the strange language.

Ophiuchus looked at his wrist, a leather band with numbers was on the screen. "Tomorrow morning at seven am. That's when we leave for South America."

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