V. The Truth

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The Air and Earth signs sat around a giant circular table in the library. There was hardly a soul there for the library was soon to close. They settled in their seats while watching each other. Libra pulled out a piece of paper and set it in the middle of the table.

Capricorn picked up the paper with a confused look. "Am I suppose to know what this is?"

I snatched the paper from him and study it. The Air signs listed some requirements of what they need but that was pretty much it. Taurus looked over before slowly turning away with a even more confused look.

"That my friends is how we get home. If we can build a communication device to Pyris we can ask King Basil to bring us back," Aquarius informed before snatching the paper back from me.

"You think I can actually create something like that?" I laughed. "That's real funny."

"Can you or can you not?" Gemini asked me.

I shook his head. The basic design I had in mind would require parts from Pyris which I didn't have access to. "Sure I know how to build things but that's back up in Pyris. This is Gaia. Two completely different worlds. If you haven't noticed this place is less... advance."

"At least try, Virgo," Capricorn told me.

I frowned before reaching out my hand for the paper. Aquarius handed me the paper and I study it over once more. Pieces started to click together and I nodded. "Fine but it will take a few days," I told them.

"What are we going to do about the others?" Taurus asked the group.

The group was silent for we knew that this moment was going to come eventually. I looked at the others and stated, "We have to convince them. We can't keep fighting like this."

"Yes but only if they-" Aquarius started.

"No they. We were all to blame. The others thought we were going too far and maybe we were. We allowed our loyalty to cloud our judgement," Libra blurted out. The group looked at him with wide eyes as he continued. "Aquarius. You and Sagittarius need to put your big girl pants on and make up. You two hold your pride so high that you two think your so perfect and it's honestly annoying."


I stood up with Libra and add, "I like to say something too. Capricorn, I know you hate talking about your feelings but that doesn't mean others don't have feelings. For once, I'd like to decided on something without your approval. You may have been second in command back in Pyris but here you aren't." I take out the slip of paper and rip it up. The group stares at me in horror and I smile. "I change my mind. I don't want to build your stupid device."


Taurus stood up along side us. Capricorn gave her begging eyes and she glanced away. "I have to agree with Virgo on this. When you decided to stop being so... pushy then we will talk."



"Wait so let me get this straight. King Basil cast you down here and you know the monster are after you because they have tried to eat you for breakfast," I started as I recalled the information. I messaged my brain with my fingers from the headache.

"Pretty much," he said.

Scorpio furrowed her eyebrows together from this new information while Pisces asked, "So how do we spot a potential monster?"

Ophiuchus gave us a sad face. "You can't. At least from far away. Only when you come in contact with them will they gave their true identities away. You will learn to judge their behavior by the more times you come in contact with them. Which I hope never happens."

"You don't think we can handle it? I accept the challenge then," Scorpio cracked her knuckles, ready to stand and fight, and Ophiuchus widened his eyes.

"Whoa! Slow down!" He pushed her back down. "If any of you twelve die then the galaxy will go into chaos."

I looked at him and exclaimed, "I remember you now! The snake bearer! Pyris was in war when they lost contact with you. They thought you were dead."

"Yes! Which is why you all need to stay alive. I have a friend that can get you all to safety and back up to Pyris." He saw the look on our faces and sighed. "You all don't belong here."

"You should come back with us," Pisces told him.

He shook his head and turned over his bare wrist. "I can't. My sign disappeared long ago. I am merely a mortal now." The three of us turned our wrist over and saw that part of it was faded slightly. He looked over at the signs and said, "The tattoo will slowly disappear the more you start to enjoy this place. Once it disappears, you won't be able to travel back to Pyris. It's best to stay focus and limit all distractions."

Pisces stood up and said, "Let's go inside and call the others. As much we don't want to see them, we need to warn them." 



"Zoe! Hello?!"

The house was eerily quiet as I set my backpack on the ground. The faint smell of food made my stomach growl with hungry as I walked past the grand staircase. I turned a short corner and nearly crashed into an older lady.

"Oh sorry! I didn't see you there-"

She smiled. "No need my sweet grandchild. Come. Have some dinner." She led me to the table, food already laid out. I slowly sat at the table, a cautious look on my face as she sat next to me. She saw the look on my face and asked, "Everything alright, darling."

I nodded and said, "Of course, grandma. I'm just looking for my friend, Zoe. She said she would be here."

I slowly took a bite of my soup as she answered, "They aren't here right now. Besides I thought you hated that girl."

I spit my soup out and started coughing. "Did I say friend? I meant ex-friend. Common mistake."

The elderly lady gripped my wrist and turned it over. She hissed as she saw my sign tattooed into my skin. "Toxotes."

I gulped as her two pupils silted and a snake-like tongue hissed. Her gripped tightened and I quickly stood up. "What do you want?" I choked out as I tried to pull away.

Scales formed form her body as her tongue flicked out towards me making me cringe away. "Where's the other eleven? I can smell your fear, Toxotes. Tell me where they are and I'll let you go."

I sneaky grabbed the bread knife beside me with my free hand and growled, "Not in a million light years." I chopped at her hand and she hissed in pain. I took this a moment to escape into the backyard only to crash into three other people.

"Ow dude what the stars!" Cancer groaned.

"Language, Cancer!"

I shook my head and looked at the three water signs and the stranger. I looked at him confused but quickly ignored him. "Was Kim's grandma... changed to snake-like lady... run..NOW!"

"They know," the stranger said out loud. The hissing grew louder as the backdoor was smash open. "Follow me!"

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