Chapter 10

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I know it's been over a month since I last updated, and the chapter isn't all that great and it's really short. When I'm in the hospital I can't edit the exsisting chapters, or write the new ones, so I decided to just publish what I had so far. New chapter WILL be posted during the weekend! Until then I hope you enjoy this :) 

Evanna and I are sitting in the library, trying to study but failing miserably. So far we’ve been talking and laughing instead of actually getting any work done. Which isn’t all that bad, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a real laugh. “Remember when Fred and George threw fireworks before leaving last year?” I ask and Evanna throws her head back as she snorts in laughter, her black hair falling into her blue eyes as she snorts with laughter. “Served that old turtle right!” she snorts and I can’t help but laugh at her snorting.

“Could you snort any louder?” A cold voice interrupts our laughter. I stare behind Evanna and see Blaise Zabini, a slytherin in the year above us and one of Draco’s friends. Draco is standing next to him and is wearing the scowl he always seems to be wearing when around his ‘friends’.

“Mind your own damn business Zabini.” Evanna spat and turn around in her seat to give him a death stare. I caught Draco's eye for a second, but I find nothing in his stare, His walls are up and guarding him from everything and everyone.

“Like I even care about your business.” Zabini snapped back at her. “Then stop commenting on our business!” She snapped back. I let my gaze meet Draco’s again. “Whatever. You’re a filthy halfblood anyway. No One would want to get involved in your business,” Zabini said coldly, making air quotations around business. “Like I care what you think. Blood status isn’t everything.” Evanna retorted. “Blood status is everything. Like that filthy Weasley girl, she’s nothing but a filthy blood traitor like the rest of her family, right Draco?”

I focused all my attention at Draco, waiting for his reply, or confirmation. His gaze hardened and he nodded. “Filthy is what it is. I wouldn’t want to be seen near a weasley, might even catch whatever the hell is wrong with them.” I couldn’t belive it. I searched his face for some kind of regret, but I found none. I looked to the ground, and without knowing why, I could feel tears coming, but I wouldn’t waste them on him. I held it back for a few seconds, and I could feel anger enveloping me. Before I knew it I had gotten out of my seat, grabbed my book, and thrown it at his face full force. It hit him straight in the face, it felt satisfactory to know it hurt him, and he sputtered curse words before looking at me again.

“You make me so sick! I hope you rot in fucking hell!” I shouted at him before storming out of the library. He was a liar, and a filthy swine, and I can’t believe I thought he was different. He was nothing but a filthy death eater, exactly like his father. He is manipulating and he uses people. I should have known it would turn out like this, everyone made it pretty clear. Ron and Ginny were right.


Dracos P.O.V

“Well, look at you, bloody idiot!” Evanna sneered before she passed me. Her shoulder harshly hitting mine as she went. I looked at the book, now lying completely still on the ground. It was a book called ‘switched’, and I could only imagine what it would be about. Muggle books might not be that bad, but their themes are still kind of weird.

“Wow, the Weasel blood finally showed in that one, huh?” Blaise said as he looked bewildered at the door. I know I was being an idiot. But I don’t know what she excpected of me. It’s not like we were anything. Not even friends really. But then why did it hurt to say that while looking at her?

I don’t know if it was her reaction, or the fact that I didn’t mean what I said, at least not about her, that made me want to jump from the astronomy tower.

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