chapter 13

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I am staring at the wall opposite us. We are laying on the sofa in the room of requirement again. After leaving my dorm to find Draco, we ended up fighting for a while, before I noticed how exhausted he looked. I didn’t want to fight with him anymore, and I led him to the room of requirement so he could get some sleep. I tried to shut my brain up, but it just wouldn’t stop spinning.

This time I had been the one to drag him to the room of requirement and instead of sitting on each side of the sofa, we had settled into a comfortable cuddle straight away. I never expected Draco to be one for cuddling, especially not while sleeping, but here we are. My hands on his chest, head placed just under his chin, his arms around me and our legs entangled. His breathing is steady and I find myself relaxing to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

I had slept for a while too. Through the night and for most of the days classes. McGonagall is probably already planning the amount of detention I’m bound to get. But at the moment I don’t care about what is going on in the outside world. Ron, Ginny and the rest of them could occupy my mind later.

I breathe in Draco’s clean scent. He smells like expensive aftershave and freshly washed clothes. It’s calming and I decide to close my eyes and focus on the steady rise and fall of his chest and before I know it I’ve drifted off to sleep again.


“Morning.” A raspy voice said, as my hair was being gently stroked. I open my eyes slowly and notice my surroundings and my human pillow. “What time is it?” I ask, still slightly dazed after sleeping for however long. “About 5 pm. I believe. we’ve slept all night and all day.” Draco says, stretching his legs a little on the cramped but comfortable sofa.

“We missed all classes.” I say while moving to get off of him.He tightens his grip on my waist preventing me from getting up. “Oof,” I unattractively let out, as I collided with his chest. “Ridiculous classes.” He murmured. “Yeah yeah, we all know the great Malfoy is too good for any of the classes this place has to offer him.” I say teasingly. He just sleepily smirks in at me, not loosening his grip on me for even a second.

“But apparently I’m not too good for a fifth year.” He says still smirking. “And what is that supposed to mean?” I ask, trying to get off of him again. “Stay still.” He demands. “We need to go get dinner.” I say trying again, with a little more luck this time. I’m supported by my hands on each side of his body, looking directly into his eyes.

“I’m not hungry.” He says, rolling his eyes at me. “Well I am.” I say firmly. His grip on me finally loosens and I get up and start looking for the shoe I abandoned last night. I hear Draco sigh and get up, grabbing his own shoes. I stand by the door, waiting for him to make his way over so we can leave.

“Are you angry with me?” He asks leaning against the door, preventing me from leaving. “No.” “Then why are you so snappy?” I roll my eyes and cross my arms. “I’m not. Why would you even care?” I ask in a sharp tone. “Are you being serious?” He drives his hands through his hair. “I’m not even good enough for you.  I’m a filthy fifth year, weasley from gryffi--”

He placed his lips on mine. My eyes widened for a second, before i realized he was kissing me and my eyes closed, hands going around his neck as i let my lips follow his. “Shut up. Just shut up.” He said as we drew away for air, before firmly planting his lips back on mine.

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