Chapter 16

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I have been thinking things through so many times. I don't know how I'm supposed to get Draco help without making everything worse. My best bet is going to Dumbledore. Tell him what Draco has to do and what he's already done. I'm not even sure where Draco stands in all of this. He tries to steer the conversation in other directions, whenever i bring it up. It must be hard for him to question everything he's been brought up to believe.

Currently, I'm sitting in the library trying to study. Which is turning out to be quite the task, as Draco is sitting at a table opposite the one I'm currently occupying. It looks like he's working on an assignment. I stare at him for longer than i probably should and his eyes meets mine. I hold his gaze and a smile is tugging at my lips. I've found it quite hard to smile these past few months, but seeing him like this, acting like he should, nothing more than a student makes me happier than it probably should. I try to suppress the smile forming and hide it behind my hand when I fail. He shakes his head at me and puts his quill back to the parchment in front of him.

I hear someone clearing their throat to my right and i quickly snap my head in the

at direction to see Ginny standing there. With her arms crossed.


"I don't know what you're talking about." I say firmly as I quickly throw my things into my backpack. "I think you do." Ginny says, following me as I pace out of the library, making sure not to throw another glance in Draco's direction. I head in the direction of the common room, trying to get there as quickly as possible. "First you disappear on Ron's birthday, twice, and now you're eyeing malfoy in the library!" I stop abruptly, throwing my backpack to the floor as I turn my whole body in her direction, clenching my fists at my sides. "Listen you little rat!" I shout at, taking a threatening step closer to her. "Just because we share a set of parents, who quite frankly wishes I wasn't part of the package, doesn't give you the right to nag me about every single fucking thing I do, okay?!" I shouted so loud a few second years pressed themselves against the wall furthest from us as they were passing. Ginny looked shocked for a while and I turned to pick up my backpack. As I bent down to get it, Ginny decided to push me, making me fall forwards, barely putting a hand in front of my face. "Hey! I heard someone shout behind me as I tried to collect myself.

"You don't treat her like that!" The voice was so familiar I recognized it as Draco's instantly. He took long strides towards me and helped me up, keeping a protective arm around me, my backpack in his other hand. "What's it to you?!" Ginny growled angrily at him, taking another step towards us. "Get one step closer Weasley, and I swear I'll put you in the hospital wing before you can say another word." He threatened her. "Now go!" He aggressively stated, not taking his gaze off of her as she made her way past us. "I'm sure mum and dad will be pleased to hear about this." She said as she passed us.

When she was finally gone, Draco turned to me and his hand fell to my hips. "Are you okay?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he studied my face. "I'm fine. Thank you." I was thankful no one was here to witness the scene, or it would have been the talk of the school for the rest of the year. Draco hastily looked around the corridor before leaning down and planting his lips on mine. I let my hands rest on his shoulder as I reciprocated the kiss. He pulled me closer to him before pulling away, resting his forehead on mine.

"I just made this painfully obvious, didn't I?" he looked a little worried and I kissed his nose.

"You sure did."


I was sitting under a tree near the lake. It was still kind of cold so I hadn't brought a book, instead I'd wrapped myself in a scarf and a hat, that I kept fiddling with. I heard crunching of footsteps behind me and quietly sighed, I had gone out here to get away from the stares of my siblings and their friends. I turned my head in the direction of the footsteps and saw Draco rushing towards me. "I have something I need your help with." he rushed as soon as he was within earshot. I got back on my feet, making sure to dust off my bum in the process, and before I even had a chance to react he had me pressed against the large tree I had been relaxing under, kissing me like he hadn't kissed me in a week, which was almost right. We had not been able to spend time together properly since the incident with Ginny. He had been busy doing god knows what. "Hi," I lamely uttered as we broke apart. He smirked at me and let his right hand stroke up and down my side. "Did I make you speechless?" He teased and I playfully hit his shoulder. He intertwined his hand with mine and pulled my with him towards the castle. "What are we doing?" I asked when we were halfway back to the castle. "We," He said pausing for a minute, "are going to make things right. Or possibly worse, I don't know for certain at this point." He admitted as he dragged me into the castle and down corridors till we reached the staircase to Dumbledore's office. "Draco," I said pulling at his arm before he could do anything. "Are you sure about this? I mean, we don't know what is going to happen once we step into that office..." i trailed, looking him deep in the eyes waiting for some form of uncertainty. But his gaze was focused and determined as he pulled me onto the moving staircase as he uttered the password. 

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