Chapter 5

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“I’m sorry, but aren’t you supposed to be all rude and horrible?” I asked carefully, but in a slightly jokeful manner. He scratched the back of his neck and let out a sharp laugh. “Do you see anyone I need to be rude to?” He stared intensely at me, like he was challenging me. “I am a Weasley after all, we shouldn’t be talking.” I looked at the cover of the book in my lap.


But I want him to talk to me. I honestly don’t care that I shouldn’t be okay with him sitting opposite me, or him having one of my favorite books. But we all need someone in the end, right? And if Malfoy needs some company over christmas, I could be as good as anyone, right? That’s probably the only reason he’s acting this civil, not that he’s ever done anything to me, but I have seen him torment Ron and his friends.  


Of course I should keep my distance. I know he’s a Death Eater, but I can’t seem to get him out of my head.


“Well, I can start being rude if that’s what you want. But the thing is, I don’t have to. Nobody’s here to see us talking and it’s not like anyone’s going to believe you when they get back.” He says and offers me a smirk. I’m certainly not supposed to find him attractive, but I couldn’t resist that smirk, and I felt my cheeks heating up at the sight of it.


“Being civil is fine then. I guess I could use some company during the holidays.” I shrugged and stood in front of my chair, before turning to face him. “You coming?” I asked as I stretched the hand that wasn’t holding my book, towards him. He looked startled at me, before looking suspiciously at my hand. It took him a moment, but my hand didn’t move an inch.


“What the hell have I got to lose anyway.” He said as he grabbed my hand and I dragged him from the chair. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face, as he accepted my hand. His hand wasn’t as cold as I had expected, it was actually a bit warmer than my own.



“So what’s your favorite book?” I asked as we were sitting by the lake. I had dragged him with me into the gryffindor common room, so I could grab a coat, before I dragged him out here. He had never been in the common room before, obviously, and though he was hesitant to enter at first, he seemed a bit amazed at what he saw. Which I completely understood when we went into the dungeons to get his coat.


The slytherin common room was cold and gave me an uneasy feeling. I have always been fond of green, in fact I always liked green more than the gryffindor colors, but the way this common room was put together made it seem so cold and it lacked personality.


“I don’t know.” I gasped and looked him and feigned shock. “You don’t have a favorite book? How tragic!” I said dramatically. “Yeah, I know. I’m pretty pathetic, aren’t I?” He said it with a chuckle, but I think he meant it. I wouldn’t exactly call him pathetic. At least not the part of him I’ve seen these couple of days, the bully he usually pretended to be however, that’s pathetic.

He was pretending, right? Or is he pretending right now, here with me? is he just trying to get closer to the enemy, or does he actually want to be around me?


The smile that had been occupying my face for the past hour, was turned into a frown, and I stopped moving and watched, no observed Draco, as he kicked some of the snow around. He didn’t exactly look comfortable, but then again, I don’t think I have ever seen Draco looking comfortable.


Was he only talking to me to get information out of me? I don’t think I can trust him, and I don’t think he trusts me either. Maybe we could just avoid the topic completely and keep going like this till the holidays are over, because I’m sure he’ll go back to his usual self when students start returning to the school.


I need the company and I believe he does too, so why not just go with it for now, and stop worrying.




It’s been two days since the walk in the snow, and I’m currently sat at the gryffindor table eating breakfast, trying to focus on reading todays news paper. It’s the 30th of December which means that tomorrow is new years. I had expected mom to send a letter by now, pleading me to come back for the evening, but thankfully that hasn't happened this year.


It’s not that I don’t want to see my family. I just didn’t feel like sitting on the sofa, pretending I actually enjoy being compared to Ginny and Ron. It’s not because they don’t like me, I’ve just always been easy to forget. I’m not loud, brave, smart or pretty. Despite me looking slightly less like a Weasley, I didn’t really stand out.


Ginny, my own twin sister, was always a couple steps in front of me. She was the first to walk, talk, and do magic. She even received her Hogwarts letter a day before me. So anything note worthy I did, They had already seen Ginny do. And it only got worse when Ginny got herself dragged into the chamber of secrets in our first year.


“Anything interesting?” I nearly fell out of my seat when he spoke, interrupting my train of thought. “Easy there.” He chuckled as he grabbed my shoulders to steady me. I looked around the great hall and saw we where the last students still here. “Thanks,” I said meekly and turned around to look at him. He was wearing the same outfit as on christmas eve, and it stilled suited him a lot better than the suits and dress shoes. He looked more laid back.


“I was wondering if you wanted to come to Hogsmeade with me?” He asked and I immediately felt my lips forming a smile. We were allowed to go to Hogsmeade today, and I was sure I had to either stay here, or go alone.


Since we took a walk in the snow, two days ago, we had spent a lot of time together. He wasn’t at all what i expected him to be like. He isn’t necessarily nice or sweet, but he certainly isn’t all that unpleasant. He’s rough around the edges, but it isn’t bad at all, at least not when we’re alone. I actually enjoyed spending time with him.

“Sure. I was gonna go anyway.” I put down the paper and got up. He was towering a good 10 inches above me, and if he had been wearing his usual scowl I would probably have felt intimidated by him. But right now, he looked like every other sixteen year old, and I found that very reassuring for some reason.

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