Chapter 9

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Time passes so slowly when you have things you’d rather do than sit in class. I learned that back in third year, when everything stopped being as exciting as it had been the first two years. Slughorn drones on and on about some potion, that I can’t even remember what is called, and all I can think about is getting out of here and go find a good book and a warm fireplace.

“Alright, time is almost up, class dismissed! Off you go.” Slughorn shouts across the classroom, clearly knowing half of us is half asleep, and the other half only half listening. I packed up my things and get up to leave the classroom as quickly as I can.

“You stay here.” Ginny says as I step out of the door and she gets a grip on my arm. I groan and sigh as I turn to look at her questioningly, only to be met by two pairs of eyes. Ron checks the corridor, probably to see if we’re alone. “We saw you.” He says looking sternly at me. “Well, congratulations. Finally learned to use your eyes, huh?” I ask sarcastically, ripping my arm from Ginny's grip.

“Ron, and Harry, saw you walking around the lake with Malfoy yesterday.” Ginny rolls her eyes at me. “So? Honestly, I can walk wherever I want with whomever I want.” I point out almost angrily. They don’t have the right to decide who I spend my time with. Especially not when this is the first time in years they’ve had any interest in what is going on in my life. “You know that isn’t true! You’re endangering everyone!” Ron almost shouted at me, like I was betraying him because he had seen me with his ‘enemy’. I cross my arms in front of my chest and huff at him. “How am I endangering everyone? We were just walking, Ron!” I switch my gaze to Ginny, who obviously agrees with Ron, She is looking sternly at me, looking so much like our mum it’s unbelievable.

“He’s right. He might not be a Death Eater,” “Yet.” Ron interrupts her, and I give him the nastiest glare. “But his father is and he’s probably only spending time with you to get something from you.” She finishes, completely ignoring Rons interruption. “We’re not spending time together. It was a one time thing!” I turn around ready to leave when Ginny grabs me again and says, “Don’t! You think we didn’t notice that you and Malfoy were the only students missing that day? We aren’t stupid, Charis.” She let go of me and I took a step farther away, before turning around again. “That is stupid. Besides, YOU didn’t even notice I was missing before dinner!” I was getting angrier by the second, the more they talked the more I wanted to take out my wand and curse them into next week. “Hermione put two and two together. You were nowhere to be found and Malfoy wasn’t in sight all day either. I don’t know what you’re doing but stop it now, and stay away from him.” She said and Ron looked at me in disgust, clearly Ginny and Hermione had not told him the ‘worst’ of it.

“Please tell me she isn’t shagging him!” Ron exclaimed, and groaned in disgust. “This is disgusting, horrible even!” “Shut up. I haven’t shagged him!” I shout at him and leave. Ron can think whatever he wants. He has no right to make assumptions about me and Draco because he saw us walking around the lake. I stormed through the castle, not wanting to go to the gryffindor common room at the moment.

I end up outside, near Hagrids hut. There is still snow on the ground and ice on the lake. It’s late January and it doesn’t look like the weather is going to change anytime soon. I like spring and summer a lot, but winter has always been my favorite season. There is something special about sitting inside on a snowy day, or being out in the snow. It gives me a special kind of cosy feeling I can’t get any other time of the year. I sit at the bottom of the first hill, looking down at the planes at the bottom of the next. I don’t realize how long I’ve been sitting here, but it’s been at least thirty minutes, and I’m not wearing a coat. My school uniforms sweater being the only thing sheltering me from the cold.

“What are you doing out here? It’s freezing.” I look up at Malfoy who is wearing a thick coat and a scarf around his neck. “I was just... Just nothing really.” I mutter and look away. “Just nothing.” He whispers at me as he sits down beside me. I keep my gaze away. “People could see us together.” I whispered and let me head rest on my folded arms. “Nobody would dare to get themselves out in this cold weather, and classes are over for the day anyway.” He sighed and wrapped his scarf around my shoulders. I looked at him with wonder. From all of the things I expected him to bo or to do, I never expected him to be this gentle. “Then what are you doing out here?” I ask as I move closer to him trying to catch some of his body heat.

“Class in the greenhouse. Apparently theres still lots to learn and do in the winter.” He says with a sigh. Clearly not impressed with the class and its contents. “Let’s get you inside.” He got up and grabbed my hands and dragged me up too. “wouldn’t wanna catch a could would we.”


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