"I know."

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Dracos P.O.V


I kept flipping through the pages of her book, muggle book, and I had an internal battle in my head. I do want to read it, and to be quite honest it wouldn’t take me more than a couple of hours to do so, but something was holding me back. Or someone. I would probably have read it without hesitation, if I hadn’t been forced into helping him. If it wasn’t for him, maybe I could’ve had a normal childhood, I could have liked whoever I wanted to like, and I wouldn’t have to do that thing.

At first I was honored that he choose me. I wanted to make my parents proud. That all seems quite foolish now that I’ve realised, that I can’t even be seen reading a muggle book. I let out a bitter laugh and flipped onto my bed in the empty dorm room.

I have to kill Dumbledore if I want to stay alive myself.It’s not like I have a choice. Never had to be honest. I might as well do what I want for once, and grant myself a small ounce of freedom and read this book.

That’s pathetic really. The closest thing I have to freedom is reading a book. Not to mention reading the book in secret. That is not even close to being free.

My life is starting to look a lot like a joke.

But then there is the Weasley girl, Charis. Something about her is different. She’s not like the rest of them. She’s calm and no one ever really notices her much. I myself haven’t given her the time of the day before, I don’t think I’ve even spoken a word to her, before christmas night.

The weasleys tend to be loud and fiery, but not her. She keeps pretty much to herself, except for a few friends I’ve noticed. She doesn’t interact much with Potter and his clowns, only when It’s necessary. Not to mention that she doesn’t look much like them. I didn’t even think she was a weasley before Blaise pointed it out.

Something about her attracts me to her. And I don’t know if it’s a bad or a good thing yet.


Charis P.O.V

I read the letter over one more time. It was from Dumbledore himself. He had left a letter waiting for me on my bed in the dorm room while i had spent another day at the library. Normally I didn’t use much time there, and I certainly wasn’t studying, but it seemed to be the best place to sit with a nice novel these past few days. Malfoy have yet to return my book. But then again if I were him, I would probably take days to convince myself to read the book. Which I think is perfectly natural, considering this is going against all he is brought up to believe. Which was also what Dumbledore wrote about in this letter.

Dear Charis Weasley,

I was hoping to have a short chat with you before I left the school for a few days. Seeing as I was in a bit of a hurry, I decided to leave this note instead. I hope you’ve had a pleasant holiday thus far. I have to request something of you, I will get more into that when I get back on new years day. For now I will have to ask, that you keep an eye on Draco Malfoy. I believe he is starting to question some things, and I think he might need someone to guide him along the right path. When I return, do come see me in my office, and I will explain further.

I hope the remainder of your holiday will be enjoyable, miss Weasley.

Albus Dumbledore.

I, of course, will do my best to help Dumbledore in anyway possible, but I can’t help but wonder what I can do to help Malfoy. I doubt he wants my help, and I seriously doubt he knows he needs it.

I can’t help but wonder what Dumbeldore imagines I can do for Malfoy. I don't think I have anything to offer him.

At least not anything I think he would want. Except for that muggle book, that is.

Malfoy is a very complex human being. He constantly keeps up this facade of hate, that doesn’t seem quite like it belongs to him. Like it’s a reflex. Something he needed to learn to do. I don’t think he enjoys that life as much as Harry seems to think.

I sighed loudly and put the letter on my bedside table, where I had found it. I needed to clear my mind. I jumped off my bed and dusted off my black jeans and grey sweater, before heading to the library, with another one of my favorite muggle classics, in my right hand.

Reading always took my mind off things. I was a great escape when it all became too much, and I especially appreciated muggle fiction. Even though they didn’t know anything about magic, they have a way with words that makes it feel Just as magical.

I entered the library and went to my usual chair, and started reading Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Sure it is a bit old, but it’s still a thrilling love story. The tragic end makes it even better.

“So, you’re one of those girls, huh?” I nearly jumped out of my seat as he spoke because I was completely sucked into the story. I hadn’t been aware of my surroundings at all. “What kind of girls?” I asked challengingly as I finally allowed myself to look at his face. He isn’t bad looking at all, actually. His features are sharp, but if you look closely they also have a soft touch. He looked absolutely crushed, like he hadn’t slept for days.

“The kind of girls that get so caught up in reading, that they seem to escape reality for a moment.” He says, awkwardly standing by a bookshelf. One hand in his pocket, the other lightly tracing the spine of a random book. “That’s what books are for, isn’t it?” He fidgeted a bit. Still standing awkwardly by the shelf. He looked almost nervous, which isn’t at all characteristic for the cocky and confident boy. “I guess. I’ve never really read much fiction though.” He looked almost sad for a split moment, before the ever present facade was back. No emotion showing on his sharp features.

“Well, did you read wuthering heights?” I looked at my boots, focusing on the rips and undone sewings, trying to avoid his gaze.

“I did actually,” He trailed and finally decided to make his way to the chair beside the one I was seated in. My eyes followed his shoes as they moved across the floor. He was wearing his normal black suit again, and I find myself thinking back to christmas night, where he was dressed in casual clothing and how it actually suited him quite nicely.

“And did you like it?” I asked as he was seated. He shrugged and looked away from me, as I finally looked up at him again. “I guess I liked it. It’s very different from anything I’ve ever read.” He looked almost embarrassed about admitting he liked the book. But I guess that was because of how he was raised. He was raised to believe everything muggle was wrong. People like him didn’t believe muggles were almost just like us, the only real difference between us and muggles, is magic really.

“You know, they’re not much different from us, actually.” He snapped his head in my direction, and now it was my turn to feel nervous. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, I thought as his whole body tensed and his face contorted into an angry expression. His hands were clenched into fists and I was sure he was gonna explode, and never talk to me again.

And as unbelievable as that sounded, I wanted him to keep talking with me.

I find him absolutely intriguing, now that I’ve had a taste of him. And I want more. I want to know the what he hides behind that facade of his. I want to know what he really believes, what kind of hobbies he have, and if i he really is as bad as everyone thinks.

I was ready for an explosion, I was waiting for him to explode, but it never happened. Instead he suddenly closed his eyes and relaxed a bit. “I know.” He let out softly, and I could feel my eyes open wider.

Something was definitely up. Dumbledore may be right after all.     

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