chapter 11

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“C’mon. You’ve done nothing but sleep these past few days. Get out.” Ginny is trying to get me out of bed. I have successfully avoided doing anything the past three days. I went to classes and then I went to bed again.

“Just mind your own business, damn it.” I snapped and hoped she would get that I didn’t want her here, and leave. “You are my business!” She snaps, and I almost choke on the air I inhaled seconds ago. “Since when did you start caring? you’ve never cared before! You don’t have the right to care about MY business!” I hiss at her and throw the curtains around my bed closed, not wanting to look at her face anymore, Not wanting to look at anyone's faces at the moment.


I curl up under my covers and close my eyes. I hear the door to my room close. Letting out a sigh of relief, I hear Alexa, my room mate, sigh too. “She finally gave up, huh?” She breaths and I hear our wardrobe door open. I curiously peek out from behind the curtains to see Alexa sifting through her clothes. “You up to no good with that special someone tonight?” I ask teasingly. Alexa is kind of tall, with blonde hair, blue eyes and a pretty face. Seamus Finnigan and her have been spending a lot of alone time lately, and she always tries to look extra good when they’ve got plans. She definitely fancies him.


“Mind your own business Charis!” She giggles at my suggestively raised eyebrows.”Besides, according to Ron and Ginny, you’ve been having a little guy friend of your own.” She said raising an eyebrow at me, like asking if it was true or not.


“Look, whatever they’ve been saying about Me and Malfoy, it isn’t true. They’re being paranoid or something.” I say with a sigh and get out of my bead again. Smoothing out my clothes I decide to get something out of this saturday.

“Right. Well, I’m gonna change and then head to Hogsmeade with Seamus. Stay out of trouble while I’m gone.” She say, grabs her clothes and heads to our bathroom.


I am walking around the empty corridors of the castle. Almost every student is spending their saturday in Hogsmeade. I am not quite sure what I’m going to do. Right now aimlessly walking is what i’m doing. I pass the window seats in the entrance hall, and decide to sit there instead of keeping up my walk. I sit and look at my right leg, hanging of off the ledge, swinging back and forth.


“A stray Weasley on a saturday, huh?” He said taking a seat opposite me on the ledge. “ Piss off Malfoy.” I hiss at him, not taking my eyes of off my swinging leg. “Honestly Weasley, What is your problem?” Is he being serious right now? If he doesn’t know what my problem is, he’s got to be stupid. “You are unbelievable.” I hiss, jumping from the windows ledge set on leaving before my temper gets the best of me. “You don’t get it, do you?” He sneers from his seat. “I’m the one who doesn’t understand? Understand what exactly, You?” I sneer back, turning back to send him a hateful glare. “I’m not sure I want to understand how your twisted mind works.” He clenches his fists and gets up from his seat to tower threateningly above me.


“You think I spend a night with you, not even doing anything, and then decide you aren’t worth my time? you really think I would waste my time like that?” He is almost shouting, and I feel really confused. “What even are you talking about?” I ask angrily, putting my hands on my hips. “You! You’re driving me fucking nuts!” He shouts and I take a step back, away from him. “I haven’t even talked, let alone seen you, for days! How can I be driving you nuts?” I shout back, standing straighter to show that I’m standing my ground.  


“Because you’re always on my fucking mind, and I don’t need this! I can’t afford this right now!”He shouts before storming off, in the directions of the dungeouns.

What on earth is going on?

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