Chapter 12

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“I’m sorry.” He looks at the ceiling as he says it, and I almost ignore him. Almost.


Instead of leaving and pretend not to have heard, I stop in the middle of the corridor. He finally meets my gaze, and he looks ashamed. Something I’ve never seen on his face before. “I should not have said what I did, I’m sorry, okay!” He says and sighs deeply, before sitting down on the staircase behind him.


He looks horrible. He looks exhausted and like he hasn’t been eating properly for months. I sigh and cross my arms in front of my chest. “Look, whatever you think you will get out of me, it’s not going to-” “I don’t want anything from you!” He cuts me off, looking at me with a stern expression. “Why are you still here then?” I ask quietly, trying to figure out every thought going through my head.


When he doesn’t say anything I turn on my heels, walking in the direction of the gryffindor common room. “I think I need to sort myself out.” I hear him whisper and stop dead in my tracks. I don’t move, I hold my breath, almost readying myself for whatever horrible thing he’s going to say, but it never comes. All I hear is his footsteps fading as he walks towards the dungeons.




I entered the common room late february, on a wednesday night. I have been studying for a potions essay due friday and all i want to do is relax. I walk through the portrait after whispering the password and as soon as I enter the common room I see Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny huddled up by the sofas, whispering to each other. I haven’t talked to any of them willingly for a week. I didn’t feel like even looking at them after Ron and Ginnys little drama.


I didn’t pay them much mind as I passed them, but apparently they did, because they stopped whispering and i could see their heads following me from the corner of my eye. I didn’t look directly on any of them, I just wanted to get to my bed and sleep for at least a decade.


“Charis?” Ginny looked nervous as I turned to look at her, with a questioningly raised eyebrow. “You got a letter through your window. I put it on your bed.” She said, trying to make is sound like it was nothing, that she hadn’t been snooping around in Alexa and I’s room. “And what were you doing in my room while I wasn’t there? Surely you weren’t paying Alexa a visit.” I tried to sound as stern as possible, and I made sure my glare was fixed on her.


“I was just looking to see if you were there, and the owl knocked on your window.” I kept my glare fixed at her as I made my way towards the stairs that would lead me to the girls dormitories.


Alexa isn’t in the room. She is probably off with Seamus again, they’ve been inseparable these past few days. I don’t mind her not being here as often anymore. I like having some peace and quiet to do some reading or thinking every once in awhile.

I quickly notice the envelope on my bed and I pick it up and tear it open to read it immediately. I recognized the cursive handwriting.




I hope your christmas at Hogwarts was enjoyable. Hopefully it wasn’t too lonely with almost every student leaving the school this year. Remus has been hearing a lot from Dumbledore lately. I think something is going to happen soon. I don’t know what, they Remus doesn’t tell me everything that’s happening anymore.

Remus says that Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy has been given a task to complete and that Snape is trying to help him. Remus thinks we should trust Snape and that he might have been trying to figure out what has been going on. I also know that Dumbledore asked you to keep an eye on Malfoy. If you happen to see anything, don’t hesitate to go to Dumbledore. Confronting him directly is not something you should do.

Stay safe.


I hadn’t heard from Dumbledore on New Years day like he said I would, and then I just completely forgot.


I had been keeping an eye on Malfoy. Just not in the way they wanted me to I guess. I had nothing to tell anyone, I couldn’t very well tell them he was a death eater, when I had no proof. I know that if he is a death eater, which I highly doubt he isn’t, he is more than likely the one responsible for what happened to Katie Bell. I still don’t have any proof.

I decide to go find Malfoy. I don’t know why or where, I just feel like I need to see him right now.  

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