Day 2

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"Callum!" It was early in the morning when a loud voice called out into the castle's courtyard. The caller had been a rather angry Harrow. Callum was simply going about his morning training when the voice surprised his causing the prince to smack himself with the bo staff he was using.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" He peaked up at the voice. "What? What did I do?" Harrow placed his hands on his hips in a very 'angry father' style.

"Oh, where to start? How about the fact that a guard saw you walking out of Miss Rayla's room this morning, or how a patrol saw the two of you on the roof last night, or shall we discuss why exactly you are out here training when you should be resting." Callum wiped the sweat off his brow before speaking.

"Well, this morning I was walking out of her room after I had put her in her bed. We were in the library when we both fell asleep. I woke up first and carried her back to her room. As for the roof, we talked about star constellations and how Xadia has different ones, so I took her up there to compare. We weren't doing anything wrong." Harrow didn't seem convinced.

"Right, nothing wrong. Except for the rumors that will spread. If it gets out that you two were seen together in a compromising way, then it could end badly. And brining guest onto the roof! Are you serious? What if she had fallen?"

"I seriously doubt a moonshadow elf would be incapable of catching herself, besides, there's a walkway going around the entire roof. Even if she did slip, then its only an 8-foot fall to the walkway."

"Callum, that's not the point."

"But nothing happened. We are both fine and there was no 'compromising' events." Thankfull, Harrow relented in his frustration. With a sigh he turned to face Callum.

"Fine, but why are you out here. The healer ordered you to rest while your injuries heal."

"Did anyone really expect me to sit still?" Again, Harrow sighed.

"18 years old and you're no better than Ezran. Oh, what am I going to do with you?"

"Love and support me?" Callum's troublemaking smile both worried and eased Harrow. In all the years he's watched Callum grow, he'd never seen his stepson act as confident as he is now.

"Fine then. From now on, be more careful with that girl. And try not to be caught by your mother, you know what she'll do if she finds you out here."

"CALLUM!" Both Callum and Harrow paled.

"Good luck." Harrow whispered as he quickly stepped out of the way of his wife.

"Rayla? Are you awake?" No answer. "I'm coming in." Tiadrin opened the door and was surprised to see a fully dressed Rayla sleeping in her bed. Walking to the window, Tiadrin flicked the blinds open, allowing all of the sun's rays to hit Rayla in the face. With an unamused grumble, Rayla's eyes fluttered open.


"Because you've slept in long enough. Why are you still wearing you still wearing that dress?" Rayla sat up, rubbing her eyes, as Tiadrin sat on the edge of her bed. "Up late with a certain prince?" She meant to tease but did not receive the response she expected. With the faintest of smiles, Rayla relaxed against the headboard.

"Yeah. We talked for a while in the dinnin room before he pulled me up to the roof. We had talked some about star patterns and he wanted to compare between Xadian and Human..... constellations is what he called them. After that we went into the library to keep talkin and I must've fallen asleep. I don't remember comin back here." Tiadrin listened happily to her daughter, happy to see her getting along well with the prince.

"Well, I certainly hope he didn't get to handsy with my sleeping daughter." And just like that, Tiadrin caused her 19-year-old daughter to change into a blushing mess.

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