Erasing the Pain

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"Alight Prince Callum. We're finished." The earthblood healer spoke in a happy tone as to indicate the success of the spell. Callum brought his hand to his face, slowly tracing where he remembered there being scars.

"Wow.... They're just... gone." The elf smiled at the prince's amazement.

"Wait until you see your reflection, it only gets better. Now, are you sure you don't want use to do more?" They had only erased the scars on Callum's face, as per their agreement. "I know we only agreed on those three, but we could do more if you'd like?" The elf offered. Callum smiled and shook his head.

"Thank you, but I don't think I could sit still like that for another 6 hours. Besides, they don't really bother me anymore. This was more to make my life easier in public."

"Well, in any case, I'm glad we were able to help."

"Why do we have to do this again?" Rayla groaned as Opeli was once again failing to teach her how to sit.

"Because, whether you like it or not, you are going to be a princess of Katolis. The public as well as other kingdoms will be watching your every move from here on out, and the more you at like a royal, the less bad things they'll have to say." Opeli was unphased by Rayla's less than agreeable behavior.

"I can sit just fine, this is useless."

"Really..... you slouch, lean against the armrest, and frequently rest you chin on your palm. If you can find one example of a princess or queen doing that, then I will leave you alone. Until then however, keep your back straight." Opeli spoke with purpose but failed to notice the clean-faced Callum walking into the room and ripping Rayla's attention away.

"Holy shit." Rayla gasped as she quickly rushed towards Callum.

"Language!" Opeli barked as she turned, only now realizing what had caused that outburst from the young elf. Rayla didn't even register any of the noises coming from Callum as she unceremoniously rubbed her fingers along where the scars used to be.

"They're really gone." She sighed, amazed by the unmarred skin.

"Yes, they are." Callum spoke with a laugh as he pulled her hands from his face. Knowing there was no chance of continuing their etiquette lesson, Opeli simply smiled as she left to go check on Ezran, already knowing the young prince would be hiding somewhere other than the library she left him in.

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