Morning Smiles

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Rayla laid comfortably tucked into Callum's side as he slept. She had woken up earlier than him and was simply enjoying his peaceful little snores while lightly dragging her nimble fingers up and down the many scars lining his body. It always amazed her at how strong Callum proved himself to be. The scars tell a story in horrifying detail that leaves no question in exactly what he had gone through, and yet he can still joyfully smile. Her fingers traced up away from his arms and down his chest. Her hand stopped for a moment over the patch of scars that Callum would jokingly call a 'Tic-Tac-Toe' board. A smile easily made its way to her face as she thought of just how far Callum has come in his recovery, often making jokes like that. Her hand then softy glided up towards his shoulder. What should be smooth skin was left a marred mess from a barbed whip. So many reasons for him to be a broken husk and Rayla has yet to find someone more full of life than Callum. Her eyes began lazily tracing his sleeping face and she thought more. Everyday spent with him now proved to be more little adventures on their own. From simple days of sifting through mountains of papers to running for their lives with an angered banthor behind them. But she absolutely loved these moments, when they could both be so vulnerable yet never felt so secure. Even now, with only a thin sheet to cover their bodies, Rayla found herself melting into him. Whether it be armor, clothes, or like now, just bare skin, Rayla simply felt safe with Callum.

"Good morning Agra." A raspy sleep filled voice whispered. Rayla broke from her trance and instantly fell into another one as she found herself staring into those forest green eyes that held the love she longed for. Her legs wrapped tighter around his as she shifted closer to him.

"Good mornin love." She whispered back, now very aware of her own sleep filled voice.

"Can I see it?" He asked softly as if he was afraid to speak. Rayla's heart skipped a beat before happily shifting her hand so that he could clearly see the silver band that wrapped around one of her fingers. Yet again Callum amazed her, now with just how much love he could make her feel with that tired and lazy smile that spread across his face. The sun was at just the prefect angle to cast a ray of light so that the thin piece of silver could glimmer. "Perfect." His raspy voice made her melt.

"It's just a piece of metal Cal." Rayla playfully teased.

"I wasn't talking about your ring." Yet again Rayla found herself practically exploding with happiness. It was barely a minute since he had woken up and yet there he went causing her heart to ache with love. The rest of their morning was spent kissing, cuddling, and softly laughing before begrudgingly getting up.

"I know we're married, but can you not drool?" Rayla joked as she caught Callum happily watching her change.

"The rings say I am allowed to look." He playfully shot back, his gaze never faultering.

"I only asked you not to drool." Rayla teased as she tip-toed over to him. "I never said I didn't want you to look."

"You're gonna be the death of me." Callum teased as he leaned down to kiss her. "And I'll enjoy every moment."

"Alright lover boy." Rayla shot as she pushed his face away, denying him a kiss. "you want me? Come and get me!" Before Callum could react, Rayla shot out of their bedroom, dashing down the hall. With small growl of annoyance, Callum tugged on the last of his clothes before swiftly following his lover. His pursuit ended in the dinning room where he found Rayla along with the rest of his family happily talking over breakfast. With a smile, Callum made his way to where Rayla and his mother were sitting.

"Cheater." He grumbled while placing a kiss on top of her head. A small giggle came from the elf before resuming her conversation with the queen.

"So Callum," King Harrow began, "What's your plan for the day? Training? Paperwork? Magical training? Or should I just get ready for another incident report?" Callum innocently smiled.

"In my defense," He spoke through bites of food. "That watchtower was unstable long before Rayla and I found it." Harrow didn't bat an eye.

"Yes, and I suppose the crumbling bricks also just happened to be thrown a few hundred yards when it collapsed." He looked back down to his food. "Just, no more visits to the healer alright? I'd like to save some medicinal supplies for the other hundreds of people in the castle." Callum smiled before speaking.

"Any word from Ez?"

"None yet." Sarai cut in. "Though he should be in Duren by tonight at the latest."

"I can't wait to get revenge for teasing us once he and Aanya make the official statement."

"Be easy please." Harrow pleaded. "He's already terrified of her mothers as it stands."

"And?" Callum questioned. "I had to please four parents when Rayla came. I think Ez will live."

"Yes, well we all knew you'd be together. There wasn't much you had to do." Sarai added.

"Ez will be fine." Rayla offered. "I can't think of anyone who could be unhappy with him."

"How about when he got jelly all over your combat boots." Callum spat.

"Or when he released all the horses in the stables." Harrow added.

"How about when he swapped your eyeliner with Callum's ink." Sarai laughed.

"Alright, I get it." Rayla spoke, defeated. "He can do some dumb stuff, but it's Ezran, he and Callum both have that lovable idiot charm. He'll be fine." It too a moment longer before Callum processed her joke.


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