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"I am not obvious." Rayla said from the cover of her hands. The whole group, including Harrow, Sarai, and even Ezran had moved into the library. She avoided the couch she and Callum had sat on earlier, for obvious reasons.

"Oh, come on. You are wrapped around his finger. It's honestly sad how fast you fell for him." Runaan teased.

"I have not fallen for him!" Rayla insisted. "We are just friends. It's only been one day. No one grows feelins that quick."

"Then why were trying to kiss him?" Ezran asked bluntly.

"What.... I.... we weren't....."

"Callum is a terrible liar. He does this thing where his eyes dart all over the place when he lies. Besides, I was standing there long enough to know what you two were gonna do." Ezran's devious smile and Rayla's bright red face left no questions.

"Rayla?" Ethari asked in mock surprise. "But no one grows feelings in such a short time."

"I hate you all." She muttered while trying to hide her face.

"Why are you so ashamed? This is probably the best outcome of all this. As fast as it may seem, it's still natural. Just admit it Rayla, you like Callum." Tiadrin pressed, only to receive a groan in response.

"If it makes you feel better, Callum is worse." Sarai offered.

"What do you mean?" Lain asked.

"For the last week, he's been frantically overthinking about you. What you'll look like, if you'd like him, if he's even worth your time, how sorry he is you have to go through this. Then when we were in the infirmary, after the healer put him on some drugs, he got very talkative about how pretty you are. Or this morning, after I yelled at him for stressing himself, we started talking about what you did after we all went to bed. You've got it all wrong if you think you're wrapped around his finger, you got him under lock and key. He wasn't even attempting to hide it." Sarai smiled when she saw Rayla's smile perk up.

"You aren't even tryin you hide your smile Ray." Lain commented smugly. Knowing she had been entirely caught, Rayla gave in.

"Uhhhh, fine. Yes, I like him. Are ya happy now?" Rayla groaned.

"Very." Tiadrin said smugly. "But I think it's mor..."


"What was that?" Runaan quickly stood and faced the entrance.

"You fucking asshole! Get back here!" They heard Callum's angered voice boom through the halls. "Oh shit." Suddenly, Callum appeared in there view, seeming to have fallen from the second story balcony. Just as he tried to stand, another figure dropped down on top of him, the figure's blade just missing Callum's head. Callum rolled away, but not before the figure slashed at Callum's face causing a deep gash. He stood just in time to duck under another set of attacks.

"Where's the elven whore?" The figure demanded.

"Go to hell." Callum hissed back.

"No." Harrow spoke as Runaan tried to lunge forward. "Leave it to Callum."

"Bellum!" Callum managed a second to cast his spell causing his body to glow. Instantly, the fight was one-sided, going from Callum receiving cut after cut, to the figure receiving many bone shattering strikes. The fight soon ended with Callum throwing the figure through the railing of the stairs, before he released his spell. "I was trying to sleep asshole." Callum hissed as he pressed a hand against the cut on his face. "Soren!" Before Callum even finished shouting his name, Soren and a group of knights came sprinting around the corner.

The Dragon Prince Arranged Marriage AUWhere stories live. Discover now