Hard Truths

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"You sure you're alright?" Rayla looked at her now boyfriend worriedly.

"I'm fine, just little tired is all." Callum reassured her.

"Harrow, love, what's wrong?" Sarai asked, drawing attention to the King's arrival. He held his wife's hand and spoke softly.

"I'm sorry, but I believe this needs to happen." Sarai looked both confused and scared at his words, but before she could press further Harrow continued. "Callum. Show them."

"Huh?" Callum was just as confused by Harrows words. "Show who what?"

"Show everyone your scars." Like that, the entire mood of the courtyard changed dramatically. Even the guards were taken back by Harrow's order to the prince.


"Harrow, what are you doing?" Sarai asked, anger rising in her voice.

"What he needs. Callum, show them now."

"But dad.."


"But I... I just..."

"Harrow, what's this all about?" Ethari questioned.

"Callum, they deserve to know. Rayla deserves to know. I am not asking you son, show them now." Harrow left no room in his voice for Callum to argue. With a shaky hand, Callum slowly drew a rune in the air.

"Basem datorum." Callum's voice was trembling as the illusion he cast broke and revealed the chain scaring on his arms. There were many gasps at the sight. Both of his arms were covered in chain caused scars that wrapped loosely around his arm and completely enveloped his forearms, showing he was restrained by his arms.


"Remove your shirt." With no will to fight, Callum pulled the piece of clothing from his body, revealing the horror that laid beneath. What was once normal skin now presented the scars from torture. Angry scars from blades seemed to trace his bones, the jagged messy lines of his hair now made sense. Scars squared around his one eye, another down his lips, and one cut down the center of his other eye. There were even two lines down his back as if they tried to remove his spine. From his left shoulder up his neck and onto part of his jaw had been burned. The hot steel brands littered all over. Even Runaan was shocked from the sight. He had seen his fair share of scars, but what Callum had different. It took true evil to do what was done to Callum and it tested the limits of what he could stomach. The silence that filled the once lively courtyard was sickening as everyone took in the sight.


"Cal?" The small voice practically roared through the still air. It was obvious who it came from. Ezran had heard the commotion and came outside. The look of horror that dawned his normally happy face crushed Callum.

"Harrow, you had no right." Sarai was furious despite her tears. Callum turned his head to look at Rayla, and like everyone else, her eyes were wide is shock and horror. His head dipped again as he walked towards the doors to the castle.

"Callum, I.." What happened next shocked everyone. In a split second, Callum went from an emotionless husk to a rage filled beast, punching Harrow square in the jaw and knocking him to the floor.

"That wasn't you secret! They aren't your scars! You don't have to live with this! So, what gives you any right to decide!?" The tears poured from his eyes as he looked down on Harrow. "I'm a walking freakshow and now they know it all because you thought you knew best! Well are you happy now!? I hope you got what you wanted." Before any other words could be said, Callum took off into the castle.

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