Facing the Hate and Seeing the Future

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"There you are." Harrow breathed as Callum and Rayla walked up to him. Slowly the entire room grew quiet, staring at the two. Callum's arm rested protectively around Rayla's hip as she seemed to lean against him. "I guess you're ready to present yourselves?" Harrows question was answered as Callum lifted Rayla's hand to present the ring.

"Sorry it took so long." Harrow couldn't tell if Callum was speaking to him or to Rayla, but it didn't matter.

"I'll address everyone. You're welcome to jump in when you're ready, but you don't have to. I can handle it and when I'm finished, I can have you escorted out." Harrow looked at Callum. "Soren and Marcos found out which general we're looking for. We can handle it." Callum clenched his jaw and went stiff. Harrow placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder before facing the rest of the room. Thankfully Sarai was standing next to him. "I see now that there is no reason to avoid the obvious. Prince Callum has selected Lady Rayla to be his bride." As expected, the room filled with gasps and disapproving whispers, though there were still many, human and elf alike, who held joy filled expressions. "I ask you all to respect their decision. I understand the apprehension, but I ask those who are against it to let go of their fear and look forward to the future. No longer should we cling to the failures we've made and instead, give out children a chance at a brighter future filled with peace and love. There have been many loses on both side of the war, but I will not let those losses interfere with my children's future. That burden belongs to those of us responsible, not the innocent. I hope you can all at least agree with those words." Harrow relaxed as the room began to fill with a happier tone. Smiles found their way to most faces in the room, and for the ones who didn't smile, they held a neutral look rather than a negative one.

"Preposterous!" The ball room fell silent upon the sudden outburst. Soon enough, General Zakarai marched his way to the front of the room. The angered look in his eyes caused Callum to tighten his grip on Rayla and shift them so she was slightly behind him. "How could you agree to such a thing?" Soren quickly stood in Zakarai's path, blocking him from reaching either Harrow or the engaged couple.

"Easy Soren." Harrow spoke.

"My king, what possessed you to allow Callum to propose to the elf? Those monsters have no place in the castle." Harrow could see the angered elven faces.

"Mind your choice of words General. I will not stand for insults to my guests." He warned. With the new commotion in the room, everyone failed to notice the storm gathering outside.

"Then how else should address them? Elves are nothing but murdering, thieving, animals. They have the attributes of demons. The most telling being those horns that rest on their heads."

"General!" Harrow boomed. Rain began to pelt the windows violently.

"My king, please listen to reason. These vile creatures have infected your mind. You allow them in the castle, and they repay you by sending the girl to bed your son. He is too weak to overcome the temptations of a woman and now bends to her will." The room filled with gasps. "They only seek to control you. We cannot allow a moonshadow elf to claim the title of royalty. She is nothing but a dirty commoner. You must not allow the elven whore to..." Zakarai's word would've continued had it not been for the deafening crash of lightning that destroyed one of the balconies outside. There was only one person who hadn't jumped or been affected by the strike. Soon enough the ringing in people's ear went away and their vision unblurred.

"Fuck decorum." Rayla barely registered the words as Callum swiftly let go of her and made his way to Zakarai. The general looked up to see the enraged prince walk towards him. He would've said something, but he was silenced at the sight. It wasn't the anger on the Prince's face, it was the sudden appearance of scars.

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