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"So, it seems they've quickly taken a liking to each other." Harrow spoke.

"Yes, not even a full day and they're already acting like best friends." Tiadrin laughed at Ethari's comment.

"Well, then we should all be grateful." Sarai added in.

"Well, should we discuss where they'll live after the marriage?"

"Blunt as ever Ru." Ethari sighed.

"He's right though." Harrow took a breath. "Please don't take offense when I say this, but I believe they'll both be safer in Katolis. My opinion may be scewed due to recent events, but I am open to options."

"I agree with Harrow. I don't want Rayla to feel like we're pushing her way, but I don't believe Callum would be safe anywhere in Xadia." Tiadrin supported Harrow.

"Well, lets weight the options." Sarai spoke. "If they stay in Katolis, their wors enemy will be human assassins. I believe an aspiring mage who has also been trained by the best Katolis has to offer and a Moonshadow elf who's spent her life training to be a warrior should be more than capable of defending themselves. Any elven assassins would be more dangerous, but its more difficult for them to get here in secret."

"Right. Plus, Rayla can teach the guard to look for any cues of an incoming elven threat." Runaan added.

"Ok, lets try Xadia. Human assassins are almost unheard of due to the lack of knowledge human's have of Xadia's landscape. But that would leave Callum surrounded by every elven assassin. The most defendable place would be the spire, but then the journey is far more dangerous." With a clear winner, Lain spoke.

"Well, regardless of what we decide here, it's ultimately up to them. But I do agree. Katolis would be far safer. Besides, the Silvergrove isn't that far on horses. And when Tia and I are able to get leave, it is usually long enough to comfortably make a journey here."

"Then at least we agree. Now, let's go over the actual ceremonies."

"Callum." Rayla tried through her laughs. "Don't play with the stoker like that." Rayla's laughter came from Callum's own impulsive idea to use the fire stoker to inflate his shirt.

"Why not, it's fine. Besides, it making you laugh." He spoke through his own laughter. Throwing the tool back into its stand, Callum dropped onto the couch with another laugh. A comfortable silence fell over the two as they settled into just looking at one another.

"See somethin ya like?" Her question came out far flirtier than she intended, but surprisingly Callum took it in stride.

"I could ask you the same thing." Callum continued looking over her features. "What are they? Your markings, I mean. Are they like, birthmarks?"

"No, we aren't born with em. It's a special blend of berry juice and herbs that form a kind of paint. Then you draw it on, and it stays until you use a special soap and then you can repaint your marks."

"When do you change them?" Rayla shrugged at his question.

"Whenever you want, but mainly when somethin life changin happens." Rayla thought for a moment before continuing. "Somethin like marriage." Callum's eyes darkened slightly.

"About that, I'm sorry you have to go through this. I know it must be strange being in a human kingdom. Good news is that you can just leave, whenever you feel like." Rayla looked confused.

"I don't feel anythin but joy. It's honestly quite fun. Though it could've been under better circumstances, I'm really happy we came. But, does that mean you don't wanna marry me?"

"I don't want to answer that. I want you to make your own choice one your own, not because of what I feel."

"But how am I supposed to make the right choice if you don't talk to me?"

"I think you'll know." The two fell quiet again as the setting sun's light filled the room. Their eyes were locked, and their bodies moved closer of their own accord. Rayla laced her fingers through Callum's as his other hand traveled up her arm until it lightly pressed against the side of her head. Their breath hitched and their heartbeats skyrocketed. Then, just an inch from each other's lips, Bait croaked. Quickly jumping apart, their eyes darted to the doorway of the library to see Ezran standing there, holding jelly tarts and Bait.

"What were you two doing?" Frantically, Rayla tried to come up with an excuse, but Callum was quicker.

"I thought I accidentally scratched her, so I was just taking a closer look when you all of the sudden scared us." His voice held a fake annoyance tone. Ezran instantly recoiled.

"It was Bait, not me!"

"Regardless, I still need to pay you back for earlier." Callum stood and Ezran sprinted out of sight. Rayla let a sigh escape her lips, but the new silence wasn't as enjoyable as before. "Uh, sorry about before, I don't know what came over me. Sorry if I overstepped."

"No, no. It's fine. I, um, I was actually enjoying it." Callum sat back down, a little more distance than either would've liked between them.

"I just don't want to go to fast. We only met yesterday."

"Right, yeah."

"It's kinda hard to believe actually. We've only known each other for a day, and I feel like we've known each other our whole lives."

"Yeah, it's just easy to talk to you. I don't need to force a conversation, and when we don't talk, I don't feel uneasy."

"Ah." Callum huffed as he stood. "It's too soon to be talking about this. Come on, let's go get Ez in trouble for eating sweets before dinner." He held his hand out and Rayla took it without hesitation, smiles shinning wide.

"So how was your day you two?" Sarai asked. Dinner was served but unlike the night before, it was only the families at the table.

"Pretty uneventful, we decided to stay in because of my leg." Callum spoke in between bites of food.

"Oh, will you be able to go to the festival tomorrow?" Harrow asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." He said before returning to his food.

"So Callum. I hear your quite the expert when it comes to a spear." Callum shrugged at Runaan's comment before finishing the last of his food.

"I'd like to say I'm decent, but it's my mother who's the real expert."

"Nonsense, you've been beating me fairly often these days. Pretty soon I won't stand a chance." Sarai interjected.

"Is that so. Well, we'll have to spar sometime, I'd love to see how good you are."

"I agree." Lain added. "I haven't come across many spear users in my time."

"Alright, then how about the day after tomorrow?" Callum offered.

"Wow, wow, wow. What about your leg and hand? You can't fight with those injuries." Harrow interjected.

"Well, I'll need to use magic to balance the playing field anyway, so I'll just use magic."

"What do you mean by, balance the playing field?" Tiadrin questioned.

"Elves have far better physical abilities over humans, so I figured since you have years of experience over me, I'll use magic to boost my own physique. Just simple strength and speed spells."

"I didn't even now those were things?" Tiadrin added. Callum smiled.

"Well, I have had barely any sleep these last couple nights, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading to my room. Good night everyone." Callum looked to everyone in the room. When he locked eyes with Rayla however, Tiadrin noticed the hesitation to look away from both of them. As Callum exited the room, Rayla now noticed everyone's eyes on her.


"You're being obvious."

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