Chapter 2

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Arias POV

I sigh and fall back on my new bed. I was finally settled in my aunts house. She had an emergency meeting this morning so she had to leave and Wong be back till later tonight.

I ignore the grumbling in my stomach as try to find something to do. I look outside and see its starting to snow a bit. I stand up from my bed and pick out a new pair of clothes. Might as well explore the area since I'll be living here from now on.

I put on a creme colored sweater, jeans, and some boots. I slipped my phone in my pocket and walk out of the house. It was slowly starting to get dark as it was already approaching 7pm. As I walked I felt footsteps behind me so I picked my pace up a bit.

I turned into an ally, but as I went further into the dimly lit area I realized it was a dead end. Crap. I turn around hoping that person wasn't following me anymore. But boy, was I wrong.

I came face to face with a guy, who was at least a good foot taller than me, with sandy blonde hair, tattoos covering his body, piercings everywhere, and mesmerizing blue eyes. He slowly walk towards me until my face staring directly at his chest. That's how tall her was. My 5'0 ft stature was never in my favor.

I look up and see him smirking down at me. "What's a pretty girl like you, doing out here all alone, at this time." He said with a thick Australian accent.

"Please don't hurt me." I whimpered, I was scared. I was weak. He just laughed at me.

He bent down and attached his lips to my neck. Tears started to well up in my eyes and he continued to suck on my neck. "Please stop." I begged him.

After another few seconds of so he pulled away and looked at my neck like it was so piece artwork. Then he ran away.

I stood there, for a minute completely shocked at what just happened. I gained my senses back and ran as fast as I could back home. That's all I seemed to do nowadays was run. Run away from everything. Never face it head on.

I made it back home and rushed up to my room. I stripped off all my clothes only leaving my underwear and bra. I felt so dirty. This mysterious guy, touching me, sucking on my neck. I felt disgusted with myself.

I walk into my bathroom, I open up my drawer and grabbed the box of blades I kept in there. I slowly picked one up and sat down at the edge of my bathtub/shower. I started with my thighs. Then to my wrists, making several incisions there. Finally my torso. Retracing over old scars and making new ones.

I dropped the blade on the ground and stared at myself in the mirror. I just want to escape from reality for one. Not be judged for who I am. Not have to worry about what people think. Be happy for once. But yet again, that will never happen. Happiness has been something in my life that there has never been much of.

I turn the water on for the shower and step in. The water stings the freshly made cuts but I get over it. I've felt worse pain before. This for me is nothing. I clean myself from all the blood and that creeps touch. Not missing a single part of my body, at least I hope.

I turn off the shower and make my way to my dresser. I grab a pair of cropped leggings and an old sweatshirt of my brothers that I took from his closet after he died. It was his favorite one too. It was a burgundy color with Harvard written on the front of with big, white bold letters. I missed him so much.

I check the time and see its only 8:30pm. I'm not leaving this house anytime soon, after what happened with that guy earlier.

The snow outside had gotten heavier and thicker. There had to be a foot of it already. I stood up from my desk chair and grabbed my phone. I hooked it up to the docking station and turned the music up really high. Break Your Little Heart by All Time Low came on.

I remember seeing them in concert with my brother a few years back. I was 15 and he was 17. I smile at the memory.


"This is the best birthday present ever Eric, thank you." I yell at my brother over the screams in the mosh pit.

"Only the best for the best." He chuckles. It was one of the few times I was actually happy.

"Alright, this song goes out to a girl named Aria out there. Happy birthday Aria." Alex yelled into the mic, I looked at my brother and he just grinned before putting his attention back on the music.

"Give me therapy, I'm a walking travesty

But I'm smiling at everything

Therapy, you were never a friend to me

And you can keep all your misery." Alex Gaskarth sang beautifully.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of rocks against my window cut me off from my flashback. I turn and see a curly haired boy stand on the balcony across from me. Rocks in hand, getting ready to throw another.

I walk towards my balcony and open the sliding door. "Can I help you?" I ask.

"Yeah, can you keep you music down, some of us are trying to sleep." He spit angrily at me.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to the time." Noticing it was dark outside, it had to be past 10.

"Whatever." He said and walked back into his room. Well.

I unplug my phone from its dock station and turn of my music. I dial my aunts number. She's still not home.

She picks up after the second ring. "Hey sweetie." She says in her chirpy voice.

"Hey aunt Carrie." I say into the phone. "Are you coming home tonight?"

"The snow is terrible by my office. I'm staying at a friends, the plow is coming out tomorrow morning. I'm sorry I didn't call earlier." She sounded very stressed.

"No, don't worry about it. I was just making sure you were okay."

"Well, okay. I gotta I forgot my phone charger and I don't want to use all my battery. Love you." She said then hung up.

Okay then. I was getting tired so I decided to go to bed.


A/N: How was this chapter. Who was this mysterious guy who trapped her in the ally. As for this curly haired one omg.

But I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. I know I am. This is my third fanfic so far. Yay.

If you haven't checked out my others you should. Well only if you want to.

Follow me on Twitter my user is MalumLashtonLuv

Okay bye bye

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