Chapter 14

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(A/N: Everything that is in italics is Luke's story what's not isn't.)

Arias POV

He calm down for a bit and then began explaining.

I was one of two kids. For about 12 and half years of my life it's was just me. But Lucy then Lucy came along. I thought everything was great. But one night, my dad came home completely drunk. That's the night he started hitting mum and I. I was thankful he didn't dare touch Lucy though. We didn't have an explanation as to why he'd abuse us though. Whenever he'd hit me, he'd always call me Lucas. That's why whenever somebody calls me that, I get angry. It brings back terrible memories.

He stopped for a minute to breath. He was becoming more and more fragile as he spoke.

This continued for a long time. When I was about 14, I was left home alone with Lucy. I was watching tv, as she slept in her room. When the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it, not expecting the police to have been there. They asked if they could come in and I let them.

The first officer spoke. "Young man, we have some news for you. Your mother has been in a car crash, and is currently in the hospital."

My whole world came crashing down at the moment. I never thought it could've gotten worse after all the things my dad did. But it did. Finding out my mom was in the hospital was the worse thing possible. I began sobbing hysterically.

Right then my dad came barging in through the door. The police officers explained to him the situation. He played innocent and tried to comfort me the entire time. But it was a game. Once the police left, my dad began hitting me once again. That's also when I would hit back, but I wouldn't only get it ten times worse that before.

As the months continued mum had slipped into a coma. Dad would still beat me. It got worse everyday, until I decided I was going to escape. My dad had been at work this day, so I thought it'd be perfect. I packed all my things into a bag and Lucy's into another. I saved up enough money over the years.

I grabbed everything and then got Lucy and left that house for the last time. Obviously I couldn't drive yet so I took a bus to the nearest motel. At first they were skeptical about letting a 14 year old with a baby into the motel. But they soon let me.

About 2 weeks later they found out who had crashed into my moms car. It was my dad. It was a hit and run case. They arrested him and sent me and Lucy go live with our grandparents.

My mom had woken up from the coma, but was still really weak. So they kept her at the hospital a little longer. Soon she completely recovered, and was able to come take care of us again. Do her job as a mom.

It was my 16 birthday, I had a few friends over. We were all outside, kicking around a soccer ball and just hanging out when we heard a scream from inside.

Me and two of my friends, John and Tyler ran inside. The sight was terrible. My mom was on the ground, covered in blood. A bullet wound i her chest. What looked like my dad running out the door. "Mom." I said rushing toward her.

"Ty, call for an ambulance." I shouted. "Mom, your gonna be okay, I promise. Please don't leave me." I cried.

"Luke, listen to me. I need you to take Lucy and yourself far away from here. Where nobody will find you. I have money in my dresser I've saved for both of you. I love you so much, and I love Lucy very much. I love you." Then she was gone.

The police and ambulance soon arrived and investigated the scene. I quickly rushed outside and grabbed Lucy. I ran upstairs and looked for the money mum told me about. I grabbed it all and shoved it in the pockets of my jeans.

Quickly but quietly I walked down the stairs and ran out the back door. I didn't want to be put in an orphanage. I didn't want to be separated from Lucy. I ran back as fast as I could to the place I used to call home.

I ran back into my old room and for the last time grabbed my bag and threw my stuff in there. I did the same for Lucy, and I knew for sure that's the last time I'd be in that house.

Once again me and Lucy were on a bus, riding towards the airport. Once we arrived there, I got strange looks but I didn't care. I wanted to get the hell out of here. I had made sure to bring our passports.

Finally after convincing the lady at the desk, I got to plane tickets for me and Lucy. One way tickets to Miami, Florida. That was the last time I was in Australia. I haven't been there in 3 years. Almost 4.

When we first got here, we took a taxi to a distant relatives house. I think it was my moms, sisters, boyfriends cousin. He took us in for a little while, until I was able to get enough money for an apartment.

"So that's my life story pretty much. My life sucks." He was full on sobbing now. I only held him tighter, than before.

I never really thought about it. Luke had been through so much. An abusive father. A dying mother. Moving halfway across the world with only a duffle bag and some money. Not knowing what happens next.

"Thank you for telling me." I whispered, kissing his forehead. "I'll always be here for you Luke."

"I'm such a mess. I'm weak. Your the one supposed to be crying into shoulder and me comforting you. Not the other way around." He cries.

"Luke, listen to me. We all have you moments. Yours is just today. I'm not gonna make fun of you for it. I've been through a lot too ya know." I said, smiling at him sadly.

"Thanks for putting up with me." He chuckles.

"Anytime." I smile, he leans in and presses his lips to mine.

I pull away and wipe his tears away with my thumb. Behind the cocky smirk and arrogant attitude. Luke was just like the rest to us. He had emotions. He just chose to hide them most of the time.


A/N: Ooh, Aria had learned more about Luke's past. Luke has been through so much it's sad.

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