first fight

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Kaminari was worried. Sure he'd fought against villains before but this was another person who was kidnapped. Somebody who should be saved.

He still wasn't the best at controlling his quirk which only added to the worry.

What if he killed this person?

He couldn't think about that right now. He was being tugged along with others down a dirty long hallway.

It was dimly lit and smelled like spilled beer and some other fowl thing Kaminari couldn't make out.

"Hey just so you know you don't have to kill them. Make them pass out or stay up till the time runs out. You can also push them out of bounds."

It was weird hearing Shinsou so close all of a sudden. Especially right in his ear. It made Kaminari feel funny.

"Thank you. How many fights do we do exactly?"

"Three. That's only if you stay awake that long. Your lucky though. You have a flashy quirk. The crowds going to love you."

Kaminari nodded. "Good luck Shinsou." "Good luck Pikachu."

When the hallway came to a end it had lead them to a open room. The room was huge. People who didn't look very friendly were scattered amongst tons of chairs.

They were all stomping and screaming spilling drinks and taking bets.

Kaminari gulped. Then he saw it. The middle of the room was open. It reminded him of a Pokemon battle field almost.

It had chunks of ground missing and beer bottles were broken everywhere.

Kaminaris head started to hurt again. This was more than he ever wanted to handle at this age.

The fighters sat a little away from the arena so they could see and learn how to make the crowd cheer.

Kaminari didn't know if it was his imagination or not but he swore he heard Shinsou whisper something you better make it back.

Who knows.

Kaminari covered his eyes through most of the fights. Their was blood and the fighters who lost all three rounds were dragged off to God knows where.

"Kaminari...don't let it get to you. There's nothing we can do for them. If your mind gets to clouded you will join them."

He looked to Shinsou. "How can you act non emotional about this?" "I'm not non emotional I'm just better at hiding my emotions then you are."

"Alright alright now it's time for one of our newest members! Come up here electric boy!"

"Coulda come up with a better nickname." He whispered it mostly to Shinsou as he stood up and walked to one side of the field.

The announcer continued "now we have the crusher!" This big man with large hands walked to the other side.

I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm dead. Was all Kaminari could think to himself.

"Go!" And with that the match started. The crusher came hurtling towards Kaminari. He barely got away. He tried to use his electricity but it was enough.

He got slammed into the ground. Shinsou hoped he was okay. He will never admit that though.

Kaminari stood up he missed the crushers punch just barely he'd flung himself out of the way. He happened to land In front of Shinsou.

"Kaminari! Look okay use his size against him! He can't make turns very well!" Kaminari looked behind him at Shinsou.

He gave a nod. Okay so if he can't make turns very well the he probably runs into stuff. He probably trips too!

"Hey you, god you smell. What's your name? Crusher? Ha I'm surprised your name's not stupid. Is smells horrid. Those both make more sense!"

The crusher grunted and went flying forward towards Kaminari. Kaminari stayed till the last second then moved out of the way revealing a hole in the ground.

The crusher had no time to stop himself he carelessly tripped and rolled right out of bounds.

Kaminari was exhausted. His head hurt and he had cuts from glass. Not to mention his back hurt from being slammed in the ground.

He took his seat next to Shinsou as the announcer called him the winner.

"You okay Kaminari?" Kaminari smiled. "Yes I am. You called me by my name Shinsou....were you worried?" "Absolutely not." "Aw so you believed in me then?" "That's not what know what sure."

Kaminari giggled. He doesn't know when exactly he passed out all he knows was that he woke up laying on Shinsous shoulder.

Sorry I wanted to apologise for not posting sooner. I'm trying to get this story to where it's all my own drawings and that's taking some time. The picture in this chapter is just a place holder. I will be going in and putting in one of my own. For now Google is my friend!

Idk who made the picture up top but they deserve a reward it's so amazing!

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