friendly feelings?

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Kaminari woke up looking softly up to see none other than a purple haired insomniac. He smiled sleepily, and went to go back to sleep till he realized...

Wait i'm on Shinsous shoulder...wait what! He sat up and groaned his head hurt and his back. "Careful Pikachu. Your injuries aren't fatal but they definitely won't feel like nothing."

"You didn't have to let me sleep on you." "You laid on me it was either that or let you fall to the floor. Although I would have done that it seemed rude to do so to someone who's injured already."

Kaminari smiled. He could tell his own face must have been red. Why though?

"I am glad you woke up though. It's my turn." "Right. Go Shinsou! I know you will win!" Kaminari cheered which made him feel a little dizzy but he didn't care.

Shinsou smiled slightly. That Pikachu was so annoying although he had to admit the cheering made him feel better.

He walked up to the battle space. The match started but seemed to be over in seconds.

Kaminari watched in awe. It seemed Shinsou could make his opponent do whatever. Unlike his battle with Izuku he used force this time and his quirk. Shinsou was learning. Even here.

Amazing Kaminari thought to himself. Shinsou sat back down next to him. "You were so cool Shinsou!" Kaminari smiled happily.

"Thank you." Shinsou was a tiny bit pink. He simply said to himself he was just warm from the fight.

"Shinsou?" "Yes Kaminari?" "We are going to get out of here. I know it, but I also know...that you will be a great hero someday." Shinsou looked at the blonde.

"You will be one to. I guarantee it." Kaminari smiled happily. He was hoping to hear that.

The next two fights for Kaminari went a lot easier. Shinsou would tell him hints whenever Kaminari got close.

Shinsous matches went almost exactly the same. A few rough patches here and there but he still won. Every time Shinsou was called Kaminari would cheer for him.

They now walked tiredly back to their cages. "Man I think I might like the arena more than my cage." "Shut up!" The guard shoved them both into their cages and left.

"Ouchie. They are so mean. You alright Toshi?" "Toshi?" "Yeah it's your nickname." "Oh. Yes i'm fine."

Kaminari smiled. "Hey since I won do I get a bed now?" "Did they bring you a bed?" "No." "Well..."

"Damn. Hey I did get a ball though. Wanna play?" "They gave you a ball?" "Yep." "Sure why not."

Kaminari took out the ball and they bounced it between the bars of their cages.

"I bet people think we are being tortured. Then here we are bouncing a ball back and fourth." Shinsou said quietly. "Hey it keeps us sane. Or at least me anyway."

The ball got caught between two bars. Shinsou went to grab it but so did Kaminari. They both got hold of it and looked up at one another.

Kaminaris eyes...they looked like they glowed almost. "Woah" Shinsou said. "What? What is it?"

Shinsou smiled very slightly. "I'm tired Pikachu. I think we should get some sleep. Goodnight." He wasn't exactly lying. He knew he wasn't actually going to sleep though.

"Oh okay. Night Toshi. Thank you." "For what?" "Being a friend." Shinsou looked at the blonde ready to protest but the boy was already asleep.

"I wish I could sleep like that. What is it with you Pikachu? Why do you of all people make me feel this way? What a nuisance." Shinsou smiled anyway. He took the blanket from his bed and put it through the bars on top of Kaminari.

The blonde instantly snuggles into it. "Must have been cold." Shinsou smiled slightly again and went to bed.

It's true he didn't sleep. He honestly laid their staring at the sleeping blonde. He was trying to figure everything out but it wasn't going as planned.

Early the next morning the boys got fed then went for another run. It was a little easier this time since a lot were to injured to go through the whole training routine.

Kaminari seemed off all day. He was quiet and he barely smiled. It was making Shinsou nervous.

When they got back to the cells Shinsou looked over to the sweaty Kaminari. "Are you alright?" " the way thanks for covering me up Toshi." The blonde looked right up to Shinsou and smiled.

Wait had...had he heard what I said. Shinsou thought to himself. "Soo...why did you cover me up?" "What does it matter?" "Cause..."

"You were cold I figured letting you freeze would have been cruel." "You were worried about me..." "I was not." "Sure you weren't."

Kaminari was being playful. He had a huge smile. "So you were quiet cause you were thinking about me?"

Kaminaris head bolted up. It made him a little dizzy but he didn't care. "W-what?"

Shinsou smiled slightly. "Well you had been quiet all day. Then you speak only about me. So we're you thinking about me all day?"

Kaminari was very red. How had the tables turned so fast. "W-what no that's not what-" "Deny it all you want Pikachu. You won't change my mind."

Alittle bit of's cute okay! Another place holder picture. The ones I drew I'm coloring now so I hope they will be done soon!

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