Hanging out with Eri

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"I'm home!" Shinsou yelled as he opened the door. Kaminari had never been to Shinsous house before.

It wasn't anything crazy. Then he saw a furry little animal. Of course Shinsou would have a cat.

"Oh that's cookie. My dad bought her for me awhile ago." "She's so cute!" Kaminari got on his knees petting the kitty.

"Hi Shinsou..oh hello Kaminari. I didn't know you were bringing a guest I would have made dinner!" Mic was covered in flour.

"Oh no that's fine mister mic." Kaminari smiled happily. "Mister mic oh please. While your here you can call me mama mic. The kids came up with it. At least I made cookies. Eri made a batch just for you Shinsou. They are purple....and have wayy to many sprinkles."

Shinsou laughed. "I wouldn't have them any other way." Kaminari sniffed the air the cookies smelled sooo good.

The whole place just felt warm and happy. Kaminari wondered if it was different when Aizawa was there.

"Brother have you seen my pony! Hi Denki!!!" Eri hugged Kami tight. He laughed and hugged her back.

Shinsou smiled. He's glad everyone liked his boyfriend. He was nervous over nothing. "Nope haven't seen it. Did you check your bed?"

"No! How could I forget to check there!" And just like that she zipped away to what Kaminari presumed was her room.

"How did your dinner go with the bakusquad?" Mama mic patted away some of the flour in his own hair.

"Not very good." Shinsou said quietly. "That's for sure." Kaminari agreed. "Oh no what happened?"

Shinsou explained what happened. "Well it seems both of you were acting out of character. In all honesty I think you and Katsuki could get along."

"How on Earth could you think that?" Shinsou looked at mic alittle shocked. "I don't really know I just have a hunch."

Mics phone buzzed. "Oh it seems your father needs help with paperwork again. Do you two mind watching Eri for alittle?"

"Nope." Shinsou smiled. He liked watching after his sister. Usually they just watched TV.

"Good. Don't forget the cookies. Bed times at 8 and please limit her to only five cookies." Kaminari giggled thinking of his and Eris previous conversation about food.

"Got it." Shinsou walked away to check on the cookies. "Love you too! Eri I'm meeting your father! Be good for your brother!"

Kaminari guessed that it was always this loud too. Mic left after wards and Kaminari followed Shinsou into the kitchen.

"I had no idea mic was such a mom." Kaminari sat on the counter. Shinsou laughed as he peeked at the cookies.

"Well he is and so is dadzawa. They are really good parents." "That's nice. They seem really happy too." Shinsou nodded.

"I found it!" Eri ran in with her pony in her arms. "See? You should always check your bed."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Are we gonna watch our show!" Eri smiled happily. "What show do you watch?" Kaminari asked smiling.

"Eri don't answer him." "Aww Toshi come on." "We watch my little pony!" Kaminari paused for a second trying really hard not to laugh.

"Eri." Shinsou sighed. "Shinsou that's adorable. I like princess calestia the best." Shinsou raised a eyebrow. Kaminari had watched it?

"You watch it too!" Eri had the biggest smile. She obviously loved meeting other people who watched it.

"Well yeah. I watch alot of shows." "Woohoo! My favorite is baby flurry heart! Shinsous favorite is Luna."

"That doesn't surprise me." Kaminari smiled at Shinsou. "She's just the best one. She's got the coolest hair too." Shinsou took out the cookies.

They smelled super good. "No wait brother can we play today! Plllleassseee!!" "Depends on what you want to play."

Eri thought for a second then smiled. "Let's play house!" "Alright. Have you eaten yet?" "No." "Okay we will eat first then we will play. How's that sound?"

"Fun!" Eri sat at the table. Kaminari was honestly surprised. Shinsou seemed so used to babysitting and cooking. It was kinda cool to see a different side of him.

"Kaminari?" Shinsou waved his hand Infront of the blondes face. "Oops sorry. What?" "You want a sandwich?"

"Yes please!" Kaminari smiled happily. He was pretty hungry now. "Good then sit at the table."

Kami hoped off the counter and sat at the table. "Gosh you sure went into dad mode fast."

"Did not." Shinsou gather the normal for the sandwiches. "He's usually alot crazier. I think he's just trying to impress you." Eri whisper.

Kaminari smiled happily. "Eri what are you whispering?" "Oh she just told me a secret about her pony."

Shinsou looked curious for a second then started making the sandwiches. Kaminari winked at Eri who just giggled.

After eating Eri lead them to her room. "Here brother you put this on." She handed Shinsou a bow tie. He shrugged and put it on.

"Denki you come here and sit so I can reach you. Oh oh brother go water the flowers you can't see what I do to Denki!"

"Uhh okay." Shinsou went to water the fake flowers Eri kept outside her room

"Hey Eri whatcha doin?" Kaminari felt her putting stuff in his hair. "Almost done."

After another minute she handed Kaminari a mirror. He looked into the tiny plastic mirror. She had put flowers in his hair.

"Wow that's not half bad." "Why thankyou! Brother you can come in now!" Shinsou came back into Eris room. He paused for a second. "Woah."

Kaminari had a smiled and was right in the sunlight. Shinsou swore he never saw a prettier sight in his life.

"Okay time to marry you two!"
It fixed! It's working alot better now! I uninstalled Wattpad and then re installed and made sure it was updated. I deleted any extra drafts to and that seemed to do the trick! Posts should be regular now!

Also so far this is my favorite chapter.

Not my picture.

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