Getting along

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The fake villains at first came in groups of three. Bakugo and Shinsou easily took them down.

Shinsous quirk didn't work on them so he was at a disadvantage there but he made up for it with fighting skills.

He put himself back in the quirk arena. Despite it being a horrible place it did help him learn new fight styles.

Plus the support items he has now help him when his quirk can't.

He was up to 6 villains. He has no idea how many Bakugo was at. They were starting to come in groups of four and five.

It was getting a little much. Even for Bakugo. Then they started to come in groups of six.

Shinsou knew he wouldn't be able to take on six "villains". "Hey Explody I think we are gonna have a issue here."

Bakugo grunted. "Damn it. Ugh...I got your back if you got mine. And don't fucking call me Explody."

"Got it. I was trying to help you with hero names." "Shut the fuck up and fight already!"

Even though Shinsou didn't like Bakugo they actually seemed to fight pretty well together.

It would have gone better if Shinsou hadn't been used as a human bat but the alarm went off and all the illusions became rocks again.

Shinsou looked around. Kaminari was okay thank god. Everyone else seemed alright too. Nobody had gotten any bad injuries.

That part was surprising. He had sworn Midoriya could only use his quirk if he broke his fingers.

"You all did fairly well. There's water and a couple snacks by Aizawa. Sit and calm down. Eat a little. Then it's back to work."

"Oi sleep fight pretty well." "Did you just compliment me Explody? I'm flattered." "Shut the fuck up. I was just saying that cause you lost."

"I did not lose. If I counted right we tied." "Nope you lost and that's that." Shinsou shook his head but Bakugo had already walked away to see Kirishima.

"Hey Shinsou! How'd you do!" Kaminari ran up to him. "Eh fairly good. You?" "Um...froppy had to take care of most of them. Since they are rocks the electrical thing doesn't work well."

"Yeah I couldn't mind control them either." Kaminari nodded then grabbed Shinsous hand pulling him to Aizawa and asking for two waters. And a bag of Cheetos.

"So are you and Bakugo getting along better?" Kaminari crunched a Cheeto as they walked around.

"I don't know about getting along but he didn't kill me so that's good." "You will get used to him at one point. It takes awhile but he's actually not as mean as he lets on."

Shinsou nodded. "Oh Eri is pretty excited about Thursday. Mama mic already told her."

Kaminari smiled happily. "Your little sisters so cute. I wish I had a little sister."

"Why did your mom only have one? She's seems like she would be the type to want like a cheaper by the dozen house hold."

"She did want more,but my dad left a little after I was born. So...she didn't really get another."

"Oh Kaminari I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "No it's okay. I don't even know what he looks like. Plus if he could leave my mom then he must be a mean man."

Shinsou nodded. "I couldn't imagine doing that." "Leaving my mom?" "No...leaving like the person your supposed to love. And your kid."

"Me either. Maybe it's better he did leave though. I mean I'm really close to my mom. Plus even if she did only get one I know she loves me a lot."

Shinsou smiled. "Yeah plus she must be a good mom since she raised you to be a such a amazing person."

"Did you just compliment my mom and me in the same sentence?"

"Yes yes I did." Kaminari giggled. "That was smooth Toshi." "Thank you." Shinsou leaned down and kissed the blonde.

"Hey Toshi?" "Yeah?" "Want to know something cheesy?" "Oh no." Kaminari giggled more.

"That kiss. Cause I ate Cheetos..." Shinsou started to laugh. "Oh my gosh Pikachu. I'm getting back to the teachers. You have fun with your cheesy kiss."

"No no no come back!" Kaminari hurried after him.
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