In trouble

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Shinsou got home maybe twenty minutes after he left Kaminaris. He had walked as slow as possible. He was dreading returning home.

As soon as he opened the door he was greeted by silence. It was terrifying. His house should never be quiet on a weekend.

"Mama mic? Dadzawa? Eri?" "Where have you been? I waited all night for you to get home. I called you twice." Aizawa was standing near the dining room table.

"I know I'm sorry. I spent the night at Kaminaris. I fell asleep while we were watching a movie." Mic now appeared next to Aizawa.

"Did you actually fall asleep watching a movie? Its okay you can be honest. We understand if you did it early. Me and Aizawa-"

"Don't finish that sentence ma please. No me and Kami didn't do anything." "I don't know if I'm more surprised by that or the fact you said you fell asleep." His father was giving him a Stern look still.

"Look I'm really sorry okay. I didn't mean to stay out so late." "Sweetie I think we can let this one go. He apologized and we know he didn't mean to." Shinsou smiled. Mic always had his back. Best mom ever! Even if he was a guy.

"Fine. Just don't forget that it was bad. You have to set a good influence with your sister. Now for the other matter that I was going to tell you when you got home. A student from 1-a has been expelled over the weekend. So a spot has opened up. With all the special training we have done...I think your ready to join 1-a."

Shinsou stared at his dad completely speechless. "R-really? I could go to 1-a? "

"Yes. The only thing is that if that's going to happen your going to have to work hard. You and Kaminari will be in the same class and I don't want any goofing off while I'm teaching understand?"

"Of course! Yes!" Shinsou smiled happily. He had wanted for way to long to join the hero course.

"Good glad your happy. Now take out the garbage ,clean the dishes and wait for your sister to get home. I have stuff to do at school and mic is seeing a friend."

Shinsou nodded and hurried to attend his chores. "By the way you start tomorrow!" Aizawa called as he left the house.

Tomorrow? He wondered if he should call Kami and tell him. Or surprise him? Surprise him. That would be funner.

The rest of the day went by like any other day at Shinsous house. The only real difference was he was panicking about what the other classmates would think.

Would they even like him? Would they be scared of him? Maybe they make fun of him for being so far behind them.

No. Kaminari is nice. So is the pink one and the one with red hair. Shinsou didn't like Bakugo he thought he was a ass.

Shinsou had yet another sleepless night as he would usually have. The second he heard his alarm he got up and ready.

Usually he didn't care how he looked but today he was attending a different class a better class so he wanted to make a good impression. Plus his boyfriend was there so he didn't want to seem lazy right off the bat.

He brushed his hair though it did no good. He made sure his tie was straight and he tucked in his shirt.

"Shinsou leaving now!" "Coming dad!" He grabbed his bag and waved at his parents. "Wait where are you going?" "Me and kami are gonna walk together."

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Be safe." Shinsou nodded and hurried to where they where supposed to meet up.

He was there first. He hoped the blonde had not over slept. Then as if on cue a bright happy Kaminari appeared with a smile.

"Morning Toshi!" "Morning pikachu. Ready?" Shinsou held out his hand already feeling happier around his boyfriend.

"Yep let's go!" Kaminari took Shinsous hand and they walked to school together happily.

Shinsou waited next to the class room door. "You know you don't have to wait for me to go in right. I mean it's super cute and all...but," "Don't flatter yourself pikachu I have my reasons. Go inside. I'm waiting for dadzawa."

"Okie dokie." Kaminari hoped into his classroom. He had been worried Shinsou had gotten in bad trouble but thankfully that wasn't the case. He wondered why Shinsou had to talk to him now.

"Hello everyone. Today you might have noticed mineta is not with us. He was expelled for various reasons. So today we will be having a new person join the class."

Everyone started to whisper. Who was it? "New student. You can come in now." Shinsou shuffled in feeling extremely nervous.

Kaminaris mouth dropped open how had he not put it together. Shinsou was in his class he made it!! "Go Shinsou!" He shouted.

Shinsou smiled slightly feeling shy but happy Kami was cheering him on. Everyone else smiled nicely too.

Shinsou let out a breath and took a seat next to Kaminari of course. He was the only one he felt truly comfortable around.

Kaminari grabbed his hand under the table and squeezed it reassuringly. It automatically made Shinsou feel calmer.

Does he have different powers? Or am I just that different around him?
Not my picture.

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