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Hai! Author Chan here (人◕ω◕)

I just wanted to introduce our lovely protagonist and give a lil info on the story


Name- (y/n)

Age- 14(a year younger since you entered early)

Quirk- * slow motion*
She can slow time down by holding her breath
Obviously while this is a really powerful quirk she has a hard time using it for a while since she has to hold her breath. (I thought it would be a cool quirk, plus I haven't heard any other fan fic use it so~ hehe)

Personality-  (y/n) is very innocent, and sweet, but also a hard worker, and is determined to become a hero. She loves manga and anime and is a big otaku (ノ≧ڡ≦).

Parents- she lives with her mom, who is really overprotective of her since (y/n)'s older brother died when she was 5 as well as her father from an incident with a villain. She really doesn't support her dream to be a hero, but can't stop her.

Love interest- katsuki bakugo

There will be other people interested in (y/n) but if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it? (≖ᴗ≖✿)

Any-who! Let's get on to the story shall we?

Feelings or whatever... (Bakugo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now