S2~chapter 11~ "back with me"

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It's been a week since I kissed katsuki, and we haven't talked since. He's been trying to talk to me but I keep avoiding him, and running whenever he approaches me, not answering his texts or calls. The whole situation just flustered me and I don't know what to do. I went back to living with my mom but things have changed after my visit to katsuki's. She's been lashing out on me and drinking a lot more, I've been so stressed with school and katsuki and my mom I barely have time to breathe anymore. And since I've been avoiding katsuki I feel more alone Now than ever, it's absolute torture.

~time skip~

Aizawa just announced that we're going to be participating the UA sports festival. Just great another activity to cloud my thoughts and make me rip my hair out. I sighed and packed up my bags to head over to lunch. As I was walking down the hall I felt an arm harshly grab me and pin me to the wall I was walking next to.

" Y/N! I'm sick of this bullshit at least fucking look at me!" he said a shadow casting over his eyes.

I tried to rip my arm away and run but his grip was tight.

"Katsuki please! Let go!" I yelled.


Silence fell over us and I felt my eyes well up with tears, I looked up at him and he was crying too.

"You were the only person who actually made me happy and now your just gonna leave! YOUR GONNA LEAVE ME Y/N. I won't let you not unless you can say it to my face" he said tears streaming down his face.

"Katsuki....I'm sorry. IM SORRY. I just...I don't know what I feel! it's weird and I just want to pretend that I never kissed you!" I said finally facing him.

He fell silent and he clenched his fist.

"fine you can forget it, we can start over...if that's what you want, then fine but.." he paused and grabbed my face pulling it forward so that I could feel his breath on my ear.

"But I refuse to forget..." he let me go and instead grabbed my arm and pulled me to lunch.

We sat with Mina, kiri, denki, and sero who were all happy to see me back in the group.

"Y/n I'm so happy you're hanging with us again! We're gonna go train after school today to prepare for the sports festival if you wanna join!" Denki said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Sure! I'll be there" I smiled.

I continued eating until Mina pulled me up forcing me out of my seat claiming it was 'girl stuff.'

"Okay so y/n I know you don't like kiri, and I told the other girls to stop trying to hook you guys up" she said seriously.

"Thanks Mina that was getting awkward..." I smiled scratching the back of my neck.

"Yeah because now I know you like bakugo right!" Mina said winking.

"W-What? I don't..." I said trailing off.

"SEE you totally love him! Don't worry y/n I got your back!" She said pulling me back into the lunch room.

For the rest of lunch I was spaced out. Did I like bakugo? I mean I trust him yes, he is physically attractive...very physically attractive. I would do anything to make him smile..and oh my god I'm in love with...

"Katsuki" I said out loud.

Everyone at the table stared at me, Mina had a smug look on her face while the boys just looked confused. My face turned a bright red and I froze.

Feelings or whatever... (Bakugo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now