This isnt a chapter...

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You can skip this if you'd like, but I'm going to say what needs to be said. I don't care about losing followers or people not reading my story anymore. This is an important issue, and it hits close to home for me and millions of other black people.

I'm sure you're aware of the recent death of George Floyd, he was pinned down by a cop as he repeatedly begged for help. This inevitably lead to his death. This is definitely not the first time a cop has killed a black person.

People have been protesting and rioting because this has got to stop. We have got to stop being killed, it's not fair to the hundreds of  black men and women losing family and friends. I have been a victim of racism in my life before, weather it was someone making fun of my black and or Hispanic background.

We deserve to be fucking heard after all these decades of oppression and murder, and I'm telling you right now if you do not believe in this cause you can go ahead and unfollow me right now. I am sick of my people being shut down by others online, using the excuse that we "bring race into everything" maybe we wouldn't have to if we could stop being murdered. What's going on right now is sick and we have the absolute right to protest.

I'm putting this out here for all people apart of the black community who are going through it right now. I am here for you. You can message me I'll respond, you are not alone. And those of a different race, you can help. Donate. Protest. You are capable of making a change.


And addressing the homophobic attacks of the LGBTQ+ community. It's just horrendous. I don't understand why people are not allowed to love who they want to love. I am personally bisexual, and I have confidence in my sexuality and the person that I am. A lot of people are scared to come out, and to leave their homes for fear of being attacked or killed. If you cannot clearly see that this isn't right, just imagine if you were killed for being who you are. once again you can absolutely message me if you need to talk. I'm here, you are not alone.

Sorry for my rant, I will be posting another chapter very soon.

Thanks for reading, be safe.

Feelings or whatever... (Bakugo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now