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Izuku was hopping from building to building, the heroes had increased their patrols at night, they were searching for him and he knew it. He had killed another 3 pro heroes since Shiketsu and even dismantled a gang in Musutafu. He had been trying to gather information on the League of Villains that attacked UA, but so far he hadnt had that much success. As he cointinued to move through the darkness of the night, suddenly a bunch of bubbles made their way to his face.

Izuku: 'What the hell?'

After that large centipide like tentacles tried to grab him, he was able to dodge them, even though the bubbles obstructed his vision and one had gotten into his eye. One tentacle was still able to hit him and knock him into the ground. As he was standing up he saw a blonde boy running to him, sensing hostility he prepared a kinfe and at that moment the kid went into the ground and later reappeared infront of Izuku, he tried to stab him only for the knife and his hand to go through it, the kid punched him with great force and sent him flying back. Izuku swears he heard the guy yell "power" as he was being punched.

When he landed on the ground, he was trapped by those same tentacles, they squeezed him hard, they were not going to let him go.

Sir: Looks like we have caught you Vendetta.

Izuku looked up to see Sir Nighteye standing infront of him along with Mirio, Bubble Girl and Centipide.

Sir: You are going to face justice for everything thag you have done. Now what do you think of my agency's team work?
Izuku: Annoying

They hadnt realized Izuku had taken out a small bomb, Izuku threw it , but by the time they reacted it was late, the explosion blew up Centipide's arms. Izuku took out his sword and then moved through the smoke, he appeared right infront of Centipide and managed to cut his head off.

Sir: Bubble Girl call the reinforcements!
B.G: On it Si-

A gun shot to the head silenced Bubble Girl forever.

Mirio: You are going to pay!

Mirio ran to Izuku and attacked him while using his quirk. Mirio was too much a great fighter and had great use of his quirk. Izuku couldnt fight him, he was being overwhelmed by Mirio. Izuku then realized something, he couldnt have his quirk through his whole body, he then realized that if he did, he would phase through the ground just like before if he had the quirk through his whole body, so that meant there was a base keeping him up, his feet. In between the punches, he took out his gun and shot one of Mirio's feet. The sudden pain made Mirio deactivate his quirk, Izuku used it as his chance and cut off Mirio's hands. He would have ended his life there but Sir then jumped into action and kicked Izuku away, making him drop his sword. Izuku still used his gun and tried to shoot Sir Nighteye, but he was quick to dodge the bullets and then as he approached him, Izuku tried to punch him, but Sir Nighteye dodged fluently and kicked Izuku back, now making him drop his gun.

Sir: I think that having seen so much futures has made me more capable of predicting the enemy.
Izuku: You may predict me, but can you keep up with me?

Izuku then attacked Sir and they engaged in a fierce battle were no one really had the upper hand. Their exchange of kicks and punches was stopped as Sir took out his special seals that added more force into his impacts, sending Izuku flying to the ground. Sir then tried to stamp on him his head, but Izuku rolled away. Izuku took out a few shurikens which he threw at Sir but he dodged as well. Izuku was beginning to get desperate, Sir was on another level. Izuku then threw his smoke bombs to the ground. Sir got blinded because of all the smoke and hear Izuku used his superior trained senses to his advantage, he took out his knife and managed to locate Sir Nighteye he approached him and stabbed him in the gut, Sir quickly kicked him away and then Sir managed to get out of the smoke. Sir stood up, he would not be defeated just like that. Izuku ran at him with blinding speeds and used a feature in his gloves that turnes them into small claws. He tried to claw Sir many times but ge dodged. Sir then grabbed Izuku's arm and threw him into ground hard, as Nighteye approached him, small spikes came out of Izuku's boots and he tried to kick Sir Nighteye in the chest, but he dodged. Izuku then jumped to his feet and out of his sleeves a blade came out and he tried to cut Sir. Sir ducked under him and made a sweep to Izuku's leg, sending him to the ground, he then landed an axe kick in the face of Izuku. Sir then felt something in his achilles tendon, he stepped back and have troubled landing with one of his feet. He saw Izuku had stabbed him in there.

Sir: How do you have so many weapons?!
Izuku: Plot convenience.
Sir: What?
Izuku: What?

Izuku stood up quickly and managed to claw him in the eyes as Sir had trouble moving. He then extended his claws and and inserted them in Sir's chest, he then pulled out, taking his heart out as well. Sir fell to the ground and died shortly afterwards.

Watching all of that was Mirio, who laid helplessly in the ground.

Mirio: Sir! SIR! SIIIIR! Dont die Sir! I still need to learn more from you! SIIIR!

Izuku slowly approached Mirio and stood above him. He had managed to retreive one of his katanas.

Izuku: Any last words?

All Might then used a smash and sent Izuku crashing into a building.

All Might then looked at the scene and saw the dead body of Sir Nighteye.

All Might: Nighteye.... No no no no, NOOOOOO!

All Might then charged to where Izuku had landed but saw he was not there anymore.

Izuku had escaped and was walking down an alley.

Izuku: 'Such power.... Damn it..... I am not in top shape.... He will obliterate me..... I will not let that happen! Not until my vengeance is fulfilled.... All Might.... Next time you will die by my hands and..... All for One..... I am coming for you....'

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