The Truth

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The police investigated the entire mall, but they were not able to find neither Izuku nor Shigaraki. The police began to interrogate any witnesses they could find and then they stumbled into Shi and Shoto. Shi was still shocked about the idea of Izuku being Vendetta, so Shoto explained how Shi encountered Shigaraki and what they saw with the fight. The police took Shi to the police at the request of Naomasa.

An hour later Shi was sitting in Naomasa's office and suddenly the door opened and the detective came in.

Nao: Sorry for being late! I had a few paperworks to do.
Shi: Dont worry detective, I understand.
Nao: Very well so lets talk about what happened.

Shi lowered her head a little bit.

Shi: I had just finished talking with this boy and then Shigaraki came to me, he menaced to kill me and he said he wanted to talk to me....
Naomasa: Okay then... Continue.
Shi: He asked me why Stain and Vendetta were more popular than him and of course I talked to him about what I beleived were the reasons, he seemed satisfied enough with my answer and he then tried to kill me....
Naomasa: Uh huh...
Shi: That is when Shoto appeared, that seemed to scare Shigaraki away and he went saying we shouldnt follow him, the next thing I knew was that he was envolved in a fight.
Naomasa: Very well.... And tell me do you have any idea who was the one fighting Shigaraki? Maybe a friend of yours?

Shi lowered her head again.

Shi: I think I have an idea....
Naomasa: Really? Who?
Shi: Remember the boy I mentioned I talked to before Shigaraki found me?
Naomasa: Yeah?
Shi: I think it was him.... He was wearing the same hoodie, and.... I also beleive he is Vendetta...
Naomasa: What makes you think so?
Shi: I saw Vendetta fight up closely.... And their fighting styles were both pretty similar....
Naomasa: And what were you talking about with this boy?
Shi: Casual conversation, we accidentally bumped into each other and started talking from there for a while until he left. It was nothing weird, although he kept talking about how I should be careful with who I talked to.
Naomasa: A bit suspiscious though a bit weird for a serial killer.
Shi: I thought the same but.... The clues are just there. When I talked to him about my encounter with Vendetta and how he hurt me, he actually said "I am sorry to hear that" which would be normal but it came out with a touch of guilt, which I didnt payed too much attention to at the moment.
Naomasa: And tell me did this boy have a name?
Shi: Yes it was Izuku Midoriya.

Naomasa widened his eyes at the name. Shi noticed this.

Shi: Something wrong detective?
Naomasa: Tell me, does he look like this.

Naomasa then pulled out a photo of a ten year old Izuku.

Shi: Yes!....though now he looks like life has been kicking for a while.... Why do you have a photo of him detective?
Naomasa: He is part of a case that has been haunting me for 6 years. Six years ago he went missing after he ran away from the station. He freaked out when we told him he would be in an orphanage.
Shi: Why would you send him there?
Naomasa: Has All Might told you about All for One?
Shi: Yes.
Naomasa: Well... Izuku lost his mom during All Might's fight with All for One...
Shi: Oh no...

Shi covered her mouth.

Naomasa: Ever since he ran away, there hasnt been any news about him, he disappeared almost like-
Shi: A phantom....
Naomasa: Yes....
Shi: I heard Stain and Vendetta talk, apparently Stain was the master and he treated Vendetta like a child.
Naomasa: Five years ago Stain was reported to had been seen with a partner, although this partner disappeared when Vendetta appeared.
Shi: A year of training....
Naomasa: And the rest is experience....
Shi: How sad.... And to me he looked like a nice boy....
Naomasa: I beleive in his mind, he thinks he is doing what is right.... He resented All Might and All for One, the greatest hero and villain respectively, wouldnt surprise that resentment extended to the lower ranks. Resentment gives place to anger, and anger to hate... And hate combined with resentment gives place to vengeance. He is probably trying to avenge not only his mother but also anyone who has died in a hero-villain battle.
Shi: At leats he is not a senseless murderer.
Naomasa: Still, he must be brought to justice, and he will pay for his crimes. If that is all you may go.
Shi: Thanks detective....

Shi stood up and left the office.
Naomasa then turned to look at the photo of young Izuku.

Naomasa: Poor boy.... What has life done to you?

The Vengeful One (A Killer! Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now