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A few weeks had passed since the Hosu incident, Izuku had not had any more success on investigating about the League's where abouts. He was getting frustrated. He thought he may need to rest for a while, he decided to grab his hoodie and went off to the mall, maybe he could find something to do that would clear his mind or something. He entered the mall and tried to get his mind entertained by looking around the different things the mall had to offer. As he kept walking he didnt notice one gray haired girl, which he accidentally bumped into. The girl dropped her bag and Izuku reached out for it, when he looked up he saw the girl.

 The girl dropped her bag and Izuku reached out for it, when he looked up he saw the girl

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Izuku had a flashback of Hosu.

Izuku: 'Its her'
Izuku: Sorry! I didnt saw where I was going!
Shi: No no! It was also my fault! I wasnt paying too much attention either.

Shi looked at Izuku carefully.

Shi: Hey... I know you!

Izuku widened his eyes in surprise, she couldnt have possibly recognized him, he was ready to take out his pocket knives he always carried around with him and stab her.

Izuku: You do?
Shi: Yes... You are.... Izuku.... Izuku Midoriya?
Izuku: Yes indeed thats me.
Shi: You are the kid who left from my school 6 years ago!
Izuku: You were in my class?
Shi: Nope! I came shortly after you left! I was made aware of who you were though! I saw a picture of yours and thats whh I recognized you!
Izuku: Oh I see...

Izuku slowly stopped gripping his knives inside his pocket, maybe there wouldnt be the necessity to cause a public scandal.... For now.

Shi: Sorry! Where are my manners, Im-
Izuku: Shi... Shi Subara.

Now it was time for Shi to be impressed.

Shi: How do you-
Izuku: You won the sports festival didnt you?
Shi: Oh yes, silly me! I forgot that event was televised throughout the whole nation, so embarrasing!

Shi turned a bit red from the embarrasement.

Izuku: You shouldnt be embarrased you know, that is a great opportunity to be known!

Izuku didnt like talking to a hero in training that much, but he thought maybe he could relax a little, and not be the phantom killer Vendetta for a while.

Izuku: 'Yeez they have made my name so long.... Something as The Vengeful One would be better'
Shi: Say, you think we could talk a little while, my friends are all in different parts of the mall and I am all alone.

Izuku looked at her for a while.

Izuku: Sure... Why not...

Izuku followed Shi and they sat in the edge of a fountain.

Izuku: Surprises me you want to speak with me, I know I dont give the best vibes.

Izuku: Surprises me you want to speak with me, I know I dont give the best vibes

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The Vengeful One (A Killer! Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now