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Izuku had decided to rest after his fight with Sir Nighteye, his broken bones would not allow him to fight in his fullest capacity. He had to wait for a little more than a month to get back to action and what a perfect timing. He heard on the news about how the League of Villains was attacking Hosu, so he wouldnt let the opportunity slip from his hands. He prepared his weapons, mounted his motorcycly and off to Hosu he went. After an hour he finally reached the city, and it was still as chaotic as in the news. The heroes were struggling against the Nomus. He saw many heroes battling unsuccesfully against them. He sighed, how useless could they be?

The black bulky Nomu was throwing the heroes around like ragdolls. As the heroes were distracted he took the opportunity and killed them all.

The Nomu looked at Izuku and tried to attack him, but Izuku was faster and managed to cut him down in many pices using his sword.

The Nomu looked at Izuku and tried to attack him, but Izuku was faster and managed to cut him down in many pices using his sword

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Izuku continued to move throughout the city and killed all the heroes he encountered. He then found another Nomu which again was no big deal as he simply chopped off his head when he saw him. Izuku continued to hop around the city until he found a bunch of heroes standing in circle, he hopped to a nearby building to watch what was happening from above. He then saw that the heroes had captured Stain. He saw the different heroes present and recognized also three UA students, Tenya Iida, brother of Ingenium, Shoto Todoroki, son of Endeavor and Shi Subara, winner of the UA sports festival, though they all seemed injured.

 He saw the different heroes present and recognized also three UA students, Tenya Iida, brother of Ingenium, Shoto Todoroki, son of Endeavor and Shi Subara, winner of the UA sports festival, though they all seemed injured

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(Shi's hero costume)

Izuku decided to act quickly. He moved fast and in a breeze he had grabbed Stain and freed him from the ropes. The heroes panicked until they heard Izuku's voice.

Izuku: You are getting old Stain, cant beleive you let yourself be captured.
Stain: The hell?... Oh its you... Guess you could say I am a bit rusty...

The heroes felt a change in the atmosphere, Izuku's sole pressence made them feel the purest form of fear.

Shi: T-that... That is....
Shoto: I-its.... Its h-him...
Tenya: It-it cant be...
Gran Torino: The phantom killer, stay back kids!

The Vengeful One (A Killer! Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now