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All for One: I think I will postpone the day my dear killer, I have no intention of dying tonight.
Izuku: Too bad.

Izuku took out both of his swords.

All for One: Tell me why did you kill my heir?
Izuku: I will destroy everything related to you. Tonight I will end it all. You and All Might will die.
All for One: HAHAHAHAHA, and waht makes you think I will let you kill me?! You will be the one to end up in a grave tonight.
Izuku: If that is my destiny then so be it, but I will drag you to hell with me.
All for One: That's the spirit! Lets fight to our deaths Vendetta!

Meanwhile, as the conversation between the two was happening behind a wall we can see 5 UA students. Their faces had the greatest expression of fear they could muster, some were even about to puke. The auras of the two monsters standing just a few meters away were enough to send shivers down to their very soul. Being in the presence of this two beings made them remember just how big and dark the world truly is and also how they are just not ready enough for it.

Momo and Shi were holdinh back the erge to puke, Todoroki and Tenya were petrified and Kirishima was holding back his breath. Through their minds played time and time again the scene of their horrible deaths if they were ever to be find.

Shi: 'This is All for One, All Might?...... Vendetta..... He is also here..... And Bakugo..... He is dead....'

The image of Bakugo's corpse coming out of the portal would haunt her for the rest of her life. Shi took one hand to her mouth and the other was clutching her chest. She just couldnt beleive what was happening.

Suddenly the sound of a blast broke her out of her trance.

In the battlefield we can see Izuku dodging an air blast coming from All for One. Izuku jumped and landed on the other side. All for One tried again but this time Izuku jumped over the blast and landed close to All for One. He tried to cut him down using his swords but All for One was faster amd dodged the two incoming cuts. All for One then released a blast in Izuku and sent him flying back. All for One then used Forced Quirk Activation to try and trap Izuku using his tentacle-like fingers. Izuku simply cut through them. Izuku then put one of his swords away and took out a gun. Three shots he let against All for One and the three he dodged. Izuku then putted the gun away and took the other sword and went charging against All for One.

Izuku didnt expect for All for One to come charging at him. All for One then elbowed Izuku sending him flying back with a few broken bones. Izuku then rolled and dodged an incoming punch from All for One. Izuku took out a knife and managed to stab All for One in the leg. Then using his sword, he slashed against All for One. All for One wasnt quick enough to dodge so he was still slashed in the abdomen though only superficially. As All for One was stepping back, Izuku then threw a grenade at him, the grenade exploded in All for One and send him crashing back. Izuku the jumped to where All for One was and was about to slash him, but All for One used an air blast, but to the surprise of All for One, Izuku spinned in mid air and dodged the blast, he then landed and was about to kill All for One, but suddenly the both heard a scream.


Suddenly All Might arrived and punched Izuku in the face and sent him crashing back. When All Might landed, All for One used an air blast on All Might and sent him back. All for One then stood up.

All for One: I have to thank you for getting me out of that situation All Might!
All Might: Dont mock me All for One! I will bring you to justice for once and for all and I will make sure that killer faces the consequences of his actions!

From behind the wall with the students. They didnt recognize the new voice..... But Shi did.

Shi: 'That voice.... No.... I didnt want it to be true....'

The Vengeful One (A Killer! Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now