Chapter Eleven

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I snuck quietly into Shredders lair, my hand itching to hold my blade. I was in the throne room, and finally Shredder ordered everyone out of his room. I jumped down silently behind his chair.
"Karai." He rumbled.
"Shredder." I acknowledged.
"I see you believe that pathetic rats story." He growled.
"You didn't tell my anything. You were so pathetic that you made up a lie that your brothers wife was actually yours!" I said snarkily.
"ENOUGH!" He bellowed, standing up. He swept his coat behind him, and I finally pulled my blade out. He struck first, and I parried. Then I struck, and he parried. I pressed against his blade, and threw a kick, trying to knock him off balance.He chuckled maliciously.
"Karai, I taught you everything you know. You can't win." He said. I grunted with the effort of keeping his blade out, so I didn't even notice his hand lashing out for me. Hitting me on the head. Knocking me out.
I woke up some time later. I was tied up, sitting in a cage. I was by the huge vat of mutagen, and it made me sick to my stomach. Stickman was buzzing around below, mixing different liquids together. He accidentally knocked purple and orange together, and it hissed viciously.
"Mutating your own cub? How harsh." Tiger Claw remarked, his ears pricked up.
"She is merely bait for the turtles." Shredder replied. I shook the cage vigorously, trying to get out. Below me, Stickman poured the DNA into the mutagen. I closed my eyes...and then the windows shattered.
"Turtles!" Tiger Claw hissed, but Leo quickly knocked him out. He looked thrilled to see me, and I was confused. I mean, I would be furious if Leo knocked me out and then got captured. The battle waged on, and then Leo was inching across the vats edge. He was untying my cage, when a ninja star came wizzing towards him.
"Leo!" I cried. He ducked, and it hit where he had been loosening my cage. The rope broke, and I hurtled towards the mutagen. Leo's fingers missed my cage by millimeters.
"Karai!" Leo and Shredder shouted.
"Miwa!" Splinter shouted.
"Leo!" I screamed. And then I hit the mutagen. The pain was excruciating, like nothing I had ever felt before. I could feel my skin glossing over, my legs elongating, and my teeth stretching. Finally, the pain stopped, and I slithered out.
"A snake. Perfect for the rat she calls her father." Shredder said. My eyes locked onto a giant rat-food! I slithered over quickly, and wrapped my tail around him, squeezing the life out of him. My eyes met his, and my grip slackened. They looked so familiar...
"Karai!" Leo shouted. I met his gaze, and looked down, ashamed. I could never be with him now. I broke through another window, and slithered away into the city.
Later that night, another excruciating pain hit me. I howled, and thrashed around, and begged to be free from this. It stopped, and I stared in amazement as I became a human again. It was exhilarating. I saw Leo out of the corner of my eye, and, remembering the past events, turned away. I ran into the night, tears streaming down my face.
A/N- Sorry for the cliffhanger y'all. But happy Thanksgiving! I also need ideas for further chapters...ideas anyone? It would be appreciated. And I also don think this chapter was very good...😰

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