A Day In The Life Of A Single Mother

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Allison rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath about rude teenagers as she walked down the hall from her bedroom, shoving her hair on top of her head in a messy bun as she went.

"What? You don't have to yell, Ryder."

Her sixteen-year-old daughter scoffed and pointed at the open dishwasher. "Yes, I do, especially when I find a live frog in the dishwasher! Get it out!"

Allison smirked, barely holding in the laugh that was threatening to bubble out as she turned toward the kitchen doorway. "Jordan! Come here a minute, sweetheart." When her youngest walked into the room, she took him by the shoulders and steered him toward the counter where the dishwasher was. "What have I told you about bringing animals in from outside? Take it back out."

Jodan gave a long-suffering sigh and a glare directed at his big sister before gently picking up the croaking frog and carrying it out the back door to the yard. Ryder shook her head in disgust as she slammed the door to the appliance shut. 

"Why does he have to do that?"

Allison shrugged. "He just loves animals. He probably thought the frog was cold or something."

Ryder shook her head. "Like you brought that bat inside last month?"

Allison cleared her throat. "It was injured. I just nursed it back to health."

Ryder grinned at her mother even as she shook her head. "I swear I'm adopted."

Allison snorted as she hugged her daughter. "No, you just take after your father, which isn't a bad thing, you just have no whimsy in you." She walked over and opened the fridge, pulling out items for breakfast. "Did you study for your geometry test?"

Ryder nodded as she snatched a banana from the basket of fruit on the counter. "Yep, I'm ready for it. What's on your agenda for today?"

"I have a few patients to see at the hospital, then I have my home visits this afternoon."

Ryder nodded. "You need me to pick up Jordy after school?"

Allison shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. I'll text you if I do." She held up the carton of eggs. "Scrambled or fried?"

Ryder looked at her brother when he ran back inside. "French toast?" When Jordy grinned and nodded furiously, his sister chuckled and reached out to ruffle his hair. "French toast it is, squirt."


Allison nodded as she watched Connie do some exercises in the middle of her living room floor. The younger woman had been released from the hospital but still had to endure Allison's outpatient therapy sessions. "You're doing really well, Connie. I think a few more visits and you'll be ready to go on your own."

"Holy shit! You look just like Jessie!"

Allison sighed and turned toward the front door as two men came through it. One was tall with black curly hair and a wicked smile, and the other had the prettiest head of long curly hair she'd ever seen. She cocked a brow at the tall one as she heard Connie snicker from beside her.

"You know, I'm really going to have to meet this Jessie you all think I look like." She turned to Connie and grinned. "I'll see you in a couple of days, okay?" When she started past the two men to walk outside, the shorter one with the long hair grimaced and grabbed his shoulder. Allison frowned and stopped beside him. "You alright there, chief?"

The man shrugged then grimaced again before giving her a small smile. "I'm okay, sweetheart. Just slept wrong."

Allison nodded before setting her bag on the floor and pointing to the chair by the sofa. "Have a seat and let me see what I can do. It won't take a minute." When he had done as she asked, she pushed and prodded around his shoulder for a moment before starting to massage the muscle. "This is really tight. Do you shoot a lot?" When the man turned to give her a look, she grinned and shrugged. "Feels like you've jammed it. I know firearm kickback can cause that. I see it a lot in hunters."

The other man snorted, grabbing Allison's attention. "Yeah, doll. We hunt... a lot."

Allison nodded before stooping down to dig around in her bag. She stood back up with a small jar in her hand. "Use this on your shoulder three times a day. It stinks to high heaven but it will relieve the inflammation." She smiled as he took it from her, a matching smile on his face. "If you run out, you can find me at the hospital in the PT department most days."

She gathered her things and said goodbye to them before walking out and shutting the door behind herself. Tig shook his head as he looked at Bobby and Connie. "Okay, that's just fucking weird. She looks exactly like Jessie, down to the eye color." He shook his head. "She have a twin that we don't know about?"

Bobby shrugged and smirked as he stuck the jar she had given him in his pocket. "I don't know, but she could have kept her hands on me longer. She's amazing."

Connie chuckled and nodded, agreeing with the biker. "Yeah, she is. And she's so sweet."

Bobby nodded absently, his mind still on the woman that had just left as Tig asked Connie about her grocery list.


The next morning, Jessie sat in the parking lot of St. Thomas, trying to decide what to do. She'd heard enough about the woman that supposedly looked like her, and she was here to see for herself. Jessie didn't really believe in coincidences, so she was more apt to believe that everyone was stretching the truth just a bit to get a rise out of her.

As she sat in her van, she saw movement and followed a figure walking across the parking lot to the entrance. She caught her breath when the woman turned her head to check for traffic. From what she could tell, she was currently staring at someone who was the spitting image of her. With shaky hands, she pressed a button on her phone and waited for someone to answer.

"Luce, I need you. Meet me at my house in half an hour."

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