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A special thank you to Cji1i85 for picking the song for this chapter.


A Week Later

Allison pulled onto the lot of Teller-Morrow and parked to the side. Ryder was practically jumping in her seat as she put the car in park, pointing out the window with a smile on her face. Allison looked to see a pair of blonds, one older and familiar and one Ryder's age, both handsome and smiling as they watched them pull in. She grinned as she realized that it was the man that was dating Connie.

"There's Russ!"

Allison shook her head and chuckled as she opened her car door. "Okay, Ryder. I have to get your brother out of his booster seat. Calm down."

Ryder rolled her eyes as she got out and waited while her mother released Jordan from his seat belt and helped him out of the SUV. As she turned, she saw that the pair were closer now, the older one holding his hand out.

"I don't know if you remember me or not, but I'm Herman Kozik, Russ's dad." He smirked and shook his head. "It's a small world, huh? I didn't realize your daughter was the one Russ wanted to date."

Allison chuckled and nodded as she shook his hand. "I do remember you. It's a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Kozik."

Koz shook his head. "Nah, just Koz is fine, Allison." He looked down at Jordan. "Who's this?"

Allison squeezed Jordy's hand and grinned. "This is Jordan, Ryder's brother."

Koz nodded before pointing toward the swing set at the side of a building. "Abel's over there swinging if he wants to go play. They look to be the same age."

Allison grinned when Jordan looked up at her. "It's fine, baby. You can go play."

Russ spoke up as they watched Jordan run across the lot to where a little blond boy his age was playing. "I'm gonna take Ryder inside, get her something to drink and introduce her around if that's okay."

When Allison nodded, the pair walked away, Russ grinning down at Ryder. "We'll let the parents talk."

Ryder laughed and nodded as he opened the door to the clubhouse for her and waited for her to walk ahead of him. Ryder stopped laughing and walking abruptly, stopping just inside the doorway with a gasp. She looked at Russ before pointing at a table where Jessie and Chibs sat, both now looking at the teenage couple. 

"Holy shit!"

Russ chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, it's creepy, huh?" He frowned then as Ryder just continued to stare. "Fuck! You didn't know, did you?"

Ryder turned to him. "Know what? That some woman is walking around with my mom's face?" She shook her head. "No, I did not know that."

Jessie stood up and smiled as Chibs slowly joined her. "You must be Ryder. I'm Jessie, your... " She stopped when Chibs cleared his throat. "Well, I'm Jessie."

Ryder took a step backward before spinning on her heels and running back out the door. She saw her mom look her way with a frown as she ran toward her. "Mom! There's a woman inside... she looks just like you!"

Allison felt herself go cold as she looked around to see what looked like the entire club now circling them, a few of the faces familiar, but some not. She turned to Koz and shook her head. "Was this the plan? Some kind of set-up? A way to get me here?"

Before Kozik could reply, she felt a hand on her back and heard Bobby's quiet but gravelly voice by her ear. "Whoa, sunshine. Nobody is setting you up. Koz just wasn't in the loop, that's all. He didn't know to meet somewhere else or even that Jessie was going to be here." As her breathing evened out a little with the soothing tone of his voice, he spoke again. "Maybe now's a good time to meet Jess, since you're both here and all."

Allison shook her head as she stepped away from his reach, looking at Ryder. "Get your brother. We're leaving." She looked at Koz and shrugged. "It was nice seeing you again, Koz."

When Ryder came back with a whining Jordan in tow, she turned toward her car. Jax stepped into her path, holding up a hand. "Allison, we didn't do this on purpose. Bobby's right, it's just a coincidence but... " He gave her a small grin and nodded to someone behind her. "You are already here. What's the harm in talking with Jess?"

Allison swung her gaze to Ryder when she spoke up from beside her. "Mom, what's going on? Are you related to that other woman?"

Allison shook her head as she stepped around Jax and opened the car door for Jordan and belted him in. "I won't have this discussion here. We'll talk when we get home."

Bobby cleared his throat as she walked around to the driver's side of the car, stepping up to open her door for her. "Sunshine, you have to face it sometime."

Allison laughed bitterly and shook her head as she climbed into the driver's seat. "Yeah, maybe, but today isn't that day."

Bobby just nodded and stepped back to let her close her door. As the SUV pulled out of the lot, he sighed and shook his head as Kozik spoke up. "I'm sorry, Jessie. I really didn't know that she would get that upset."

Jessie just shook her head as Gemma spoke from behind him. "Of course, she was upset. You all scared her to death and made her feel cornered. No wonder she felt like she was being set up. I'm assuming that neither Bobby or Tara talked to her about our hand in this cluster fuck." When nobody answered and only looked anywhere but at her, she scoffed and shook her head. "Why doesn't that surprise me?" 

As she turned toward her car, Clay put out a hand to stop her. "Where ya going, baby?"

Gemma shook her head. "I'm going to go have a conversation with Allison. She needs to know everything, not just what you all want her to know."

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