Wait... What?

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Lucinda and Juice walked into Jessie's house to find her pacing the floor of her living room, muttering to herself. Lucinda sighed as Juice looked at her. She shrugged and shut the door loud enough to get Jessie's attention. She smiled at her as she stepped closer.

"Hey, sis. What's up? You seem a little more rattled than normal."

Juice nodded. "Yeah, and I know it can't be Chibs because he's currently changing the oil in a Mazda. What's going on?"

Jessie sighed and plopped down on the couch. "I went by the hospital this morning to see this woman that everyone says I look like." She motioned at herself. "She looks exactly like me! Exactly! How is that possible?"

Lucinda sighed and sat down beside Jessie, rubbing her back. "I know. We have a working theory about that but I'd rather share it with everyone at once." She looked at Juice. "Can you get everyone to the clubhouse? I'll call the girls."


Once everyone was settled in the chapel, Lucinda and Juice took the floor. 

"We've done a little digging into Jessie's doppelganger." Juice pulled open his laptop and hit a few keys before turning it for Jessie to see. "We couldn't find a birth certificate on record with any state for Allison Weaver, so Lucy suggested that we go in the back door, so to speak."

Juice looked to Lucinda as she picked up the story from there. "I hacked into the SSA and found her social, so I followed it back and found a copy of a birth certificate that was used. It looked forged to me and I have a pretty good eye for that sort of thing." When Juice nodded for her to go on, she took a deep breath. "Jessie, did you know that you had a twin? Nora? Did your parents ever talk about her?"

Jessie stared at her blankly for a moment before shaking her head. "No! No, of course not! I was an only child... what is all of this?"

Lucinda sighed as Juice answered, his tone of voice now gentler. "Jess, there was another baby. We found a birth certificate for Nora Marsden, She was born three minutes after you were. She's your twin. Apparently, I would say an identical twin." He waited for Chibs to wrap an arm around his old lady before he continued. "There's one police report from the day after you were born. A baby was stolen from the hospital nursery. Nora was taken."

Jessie sighed and turned a confused face to Chibsx before shaking her head. "Why? How... why wasn't she found? I mean, I don't understand... why didn't my parents look for her?"

Lucinda shook her head as everyone looked on. "I don't know, sweetie, but... back in the day, there weren't cameras and security everywhere like there is now. Tara can back me up when I say that it was probably pretty easy to walk in and take a baby back then."

Tara nodded, her face as shocked as the others. "Yeah, now you have to go through a whole list of rules to even get into the nursery but then... I'd say it was pretty easy."

Lucinda nodded as Juice continued. "It would have been difficult at best for the police to get any information on where Nora had gone."

Jessie sat quietly for a few minutes before nodding to herself. "So Allison Weaver is my sister."

Juice nodded. "Yeah, we think so. Allison is Nora, but I'm betting she doesn't know it."

Jessie took a shaky breath. "Do you know anything about her?"

Lucinda nodded. "Yeah, she was married to a Marine, John Armstrong. He was killed in Afghanistan five years ago. By all accounts and his service record, he was a pretty stand-up guy. She has a daughter, Ryder, who is sixteen, and a son named Jordan, who's six. Her parents are Josh and Carlie Weaver." She looked down at the screen and smiled slightly as she nodded in approval. "She put herself through college after John's death, graduating night school while working two jobs and being a mom. Seems like an awesome woman."

Jessie nodded. "What happens now? Do I just go talk to her?"

Bobby, who'd been as quiet as the rest through the whole conversation, shook his head and cleared his throat. "Nah, you're not going to be able to do that, Jess. What we know is going to blow her whole fucking world apart. You don't want to just drop that in her lap."

Jax nodded as he lit a cigarette and smiled at Jessie. "Right. So, as Juice and Lucinda did, we go through the back door."


Two days later, Jax, Bobby, Chibs, and Juice all stood on the porch of a nondescript ranch house in Oakland. Jax knocked on the door and they all waited for someone to answer. A minute or so later, a man who looked to be around Piney's age, answered the door with a frown on his face.

"What can I do for you?"

Jax nodded. "Are you Josh Weaver?"

The man nodded, his frown deepening. "Yeah, that's me. What's this about?"

Jax just gave him a small smile. "Is your wife at home?" When Josh nodded, so did Jax. "Mind if we come in? We need to talk to both of you about your daughter, Allison."

Even Odds (Part Five Of The Sisters Of Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now