Stilettos And Play Dates

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A Week Later

Chibs walked out of the garage and lit a cigarette, squinting his eyes against the sun as he donned his sunglasses. He grinned when he saw the man that he wanted to talk to walking out of the clubhouse. He nodded to Bobby as he sat down across from him at the picnic table.

"'Ave ye seen Allison lately?"

Bobby shook his head as he took a draw from his cigarette and blew the smoke out. "Nope, not since the day the shit hit the fan."

Chibs sighed and nodded, not really liking that answer. "We need a way to get her and Jess talkin'. My old lady is frettin' over it an' I dinnae like tha'."

Bobby nodded. "Yeah, she doesn't need that on top of the shop opening. Tomorrow's the grand opening, isn't it?"

Chibs nodded, a smile on his face that caused Bobby to chuckle. Chibs couldn't have been prouder of Jessie right then if she had just given birth. Bobby had wanted to see Allison again, but he hadn't been able to come up with a good excuse to do so, besides the fact that he had been busy with club business as well. He was brought out of his thoughts by Chibs clearing his throat.

"Wha' exactly are ye wanting from Allison?"

Bobby looked at him for a moment before grinning. "What's it to you?"

Chibs shrugged. "It occurred to me that I'm her brother-in-law, in a manner of speakin', and maybe it's my job to watch out for her. Until another man comes along to do it." He grinned when Bobby snorted. "Are ye wantin' tha' job, Bobby?"

Bobby smirked and shrugged. "Maybe. I'm not sure yet." He sighed and shook his head. "I've been down that road before, brother. It doesn't usually end well for me."

Chibs nodded as he lit another cigarette. "Aye, I know tha' feelin' well enough but... " He paused and shook his head. "Women like my Jess and Ali, they don' play games, yeah? And they dinnae like to be played with."

Bobby nodded. "I hear you, man."

Chibs nodded, winking at his brother as he stood up and reached over to slap Bobby on the shoulder. "I'm headin' into town to check on Jess at the shop. Wanna ride?"

Bobby chuckled as he stood up. "Might as well. I got nothing else going on today."


"Whoa! Hold it right there, young lady! Where do you think you're going dressed like that?"

Ryder winced as she turned to face her mother. "Out with Russ?"

Allison sighed and shook her head as she tossed the kitchen towel in her hands over her shoulder. Ryder was wearing Allison's black leather mini and black stilettos with a red velvet crop top that had been part of her Halloween costume the year before. Allison didn't want to admit it but Ryder looked beautiful with her hair and make-up done, and entirely too grown up for her maternal comfort.

"You are not going out with him dressed like that."

Ryder rolled her eyes and groaned. "Come on, mom! I don't look any worse than some of the women that hang out at the clubhouse."

Allison rolled her own eyes at that. She'd known that Ryder had been hanging out at TM more in the last week since she had told her she could date Russ, but now she was wondering if she needed to pull back on the reins a little.

"If you want to dress like a porn star, then you wait until you have the experience to back it up. For now, go put my stilettos and skirt back and find a pair of jeans and sneakers. The crop top can stay if you really want it to." She grinned and put an arm around her daughter. "Russ knows that you're beautiful baby. You don't have to flaunt it."

Ryder snickered and nodded as she hugged her mother. "What are you doing tonight?"

Ali shrugged. "I don't really know. I'll probably take Jordy to the park and let him run off some energy. After that, probably pizza and Disney."


As Allison sat on a bench under a shade tree and watched Jordan play in the sand box, she heard a familiar voice from behind her.

"I thought that was you. I told Abel that we'd come see if it was. Looks like I was right."

Allison grinned as Gemma sat down beside her on the park bench, Abel running over to play with his new friend. "How are you, Gemma?"

"I'm good, thanks. How have you been? Nobody has seen you. Tara said she looked for you a couple of times but was told that you were on vacation."

Allison nodded. "Yeah, I needed to get my head right so I took a couple of weeks off. A lot of meditation and thinking has been going on."

Gemma nodded. "That's good, baby. It always helps to get your ducks in a row." She grinned. "I think Bobby's been missing you. He's been grumpier than normal."

Allison chuckled. "Yeah, well, he'll be okay. He's a nice guy and all but... " She shook her head. "I'm not inclined to go down that road."

Gemma nodded as she watched the two boys play together. "Losing a husband is hard. I've been there too. You never really get over that, but you have to give that memory a place to rest. You can't let it keep you from finding love again."

Allison sighed. "I know, but... I've got so much going on now, ya know? I have the kids, my job, my parents, my... Jessie. I don't know if I have room. Besides, who said anything about love? It's possible that Bobby is just looking for a good time."

Gemma grinned as she patted her on the hand. "Honey, if all he wanted was a lay, there are plenty of women hanging around offering just that. I think you're scared that he wants more than that." She tilted her head as she looked at Allison. "You talk about everything you have on your plate, but a good man helps carry that load." She stood up, calling to Abel that it was time to go. She turned back to Allison as the boys came running. "Bobby's a good man, sweetheart." She waved. "See you around."

Even Odds (Part Five Of The Sisters Of Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now