Family Ties

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Allison looked at the sign above the storefront and shook her head with a wry grin as Ryder chuckled beside her.

"A Little Magic." She turned and grinned at her mother. "Why does that sound like something you would name a store?"

Allison rolled her eyes as she opened the door, ushering both of her kids ahead of her. The shop was busy but Allison had no problem picking out the members of SAMCRO that were there with their old ladies and families. She heard Ryder suck in a breath and looked at her daughter with a frown. Ryder shrugged and grinned as she tilted her head toward the side.

"That guy over there is hot! And he's looking right at you."

Trying not to look obvious, Allison glanced around, seeing a good-looking Latino man standing beside the window. He smiled and nodded when Allison's eyes caught his, causing her to gasp and nod quickly before looking away. Ryder laughed harder at her mother's reaction, causing her to smack her on the arm.

"It's not funny! I was just caught off guard, that's all."

Ryder snickered and nodded as Jordan tugged on Allison's hand. "Yeah, I figured. Besides, your taste seems to be long-haired bikers with a little extra padding."

Allison gave her a dirty look. "He probably just knows Jessie, that's all. Come on, let's see what kind of books she has."

"Mom! Abel's here! Can I go?"

Allison nodded before pointing a finger at him. "Yes, but stay where I can see you. It's crowded in here."

Jordan nodded then raced off to where Abel was playing in the corner while Ryder wandered off in the other direction. Allison nodded to the people she knew as she strolled over to the bookshelves lining one wall. She was quietly impressed at the selection, secretly happy to see a whole section on herbal remedies.

"I was hoping that you would come by."

Allison took a deep breath before turning to face Jessie, but she wasn't able to help the gasp of shock that escaped at the sight of her. They were the same, as if someone had cloned one of them.

"Jesus Christ, we really do look alike." She closed her eyes and shook her head as Jessie chuckled. "I'm so sorry. That was rude of me."

Jessie shook her head and smiled. "Don't apologize. I felt the same way the first time that I saw you. It's strange, isn't it? Knowing that someone is walking around with the same face as you and you never knew it?"

Before Allison could reply, Ryder came walking up with Russ, She shook her head as she motioned between her mother and her aunt. "Ok, that's gonna take some getting used to." She turned to Allison. "Russ wants to go to Fun Town with Kenny and Kylie. Can I?"

Even Odds (Part Five Of The Sisters Of Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now